Ah, what greater ego boost could there be?

Feb 14, 2004 11:24

Opened my inbox this morning, and what did I find? My first inane flame ever! *sniffle* I feel so proud. Ah, world, you never disappoint me; not only have you produced a being apparently unable to find any anime content anywhere on my site (..eh?), you’ve also ensured that same being couldn’t rest without letting me know. Sure, some of the words were spelt correctly and only about half of it was in capitals, but you could tell she tried her best, and it’s the thought that counts, isn’t it?

I’m finally on my way to true great-site-dom! Today, one inane flame, tomorrow, A WHOLE INBOX FULL OF INANE FLAMES! WAHA!

(…well hopefully not actually, but at my current rate of approximately two hits a day, I don’t think that’s going to become a probably anytime soon, if, in fact, ever.)

In conclusion, I’d just like to thank every webhost which has cancelled its Absolutely Free Absolutely Bannerless With Unlimited Space And Bandwidth offer within two months of my joining them. I’d never have gotten to know so many of them otherwise.
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