Bunch o' Stuff

Mar 15, 2004 22:55

Picked up my copy of Variety with the Saving Angel ad in it. It looks very freaking cool. *g* Couldn't manage to get a copy of the HR issue; I guess I'll have to order it from the HR site.

Had a very good workout today, and I am very, very happy to notice that I'm feeling more alert, I have a bit more stamina, and my clothes are fitting better. Yay!

My open_on_sunday drabble for the week. The theme was training, and it's an Angel drabble (there's a shock, I bet).

Title: Preparation
Characters: Angel
Timeline: Post-Home
A/N - Uses the office Lilah showed Angel in Home

Angel breathed deeply. Inhale. Exhale.

It was stupid - unnecessary - but it was habit. Calming. Soothing.

Steeling himself, he hit the button, and the blinds snapped open. Brilliant sunlight flooded the room.

His body flinched, muscles twitching as he fought the overwhelming impulse to flee that deadly incandescence.

For over two centuries, he’d feared sunlight - his body was trained well. Ten seconds passed as he trembled. Closing the blinds, he sighed in relief.

There would be no respect if he flinched and trembled whenever sunlight hit him. Another deep breath. Eyes screwed tightly shut, he reached for the button once more.

Also, because I am a lemming, the name meme...

If you call me Ralkana, you're someone who knows me from either J/C or B/A fandom.
If you call me Ral, you're someone in fandom who is tired of typing Ralkana.
If you call me Lisa, you're someone who knows me in RL or someone who is close to me in fandom.
If you call me ralkana47, you've found my yahoo IM screen name and nothing else, and I probably want to avoid you.
If you call me Lis, you're Tim. Or Chad.
If you call me Googs (don't ask), you're my father.
If you call me Lu, you're my mother.
If you call me LJ, you could be any one of about fifteen people from high school.
If you call me Lisa Janine, you're either a parent and you're pissed off, or you're my grandmother on my father's side (but only if it's written in a greeting card), or you're anyone on my mother's side of the family, as we have several Lisas.
If you call me babes, you're Eleana or Jo.

And lastly, because I was bored and blocked yesterday and today, and also because harrisforprez said something in maquisleader's LJ that cracked me up, and I had to do it, some icons...

memes, fic:btvs/ats, fandom:btvs/ats, fandom:humor

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