Review for The Gone Fishin' Job

Jul 27, 2010 00:09

So now that I got all my babbling for The Studio Job out of the way, I can commence babbling for The Gone Fishin' Job.

Long. But probably not as long as the last one.

Eliot and Hardison handcuffed to each other! In the woods!

The fic writes itself, man. They're really all about the fanservice this season.

Christian and Aldis are so much damn fun to watch together. You can just tell they're having a blast.

I had a hard time feeling the sympathy I probably should have for this episode's client. Some guy shows up at your house after dark, and you just hand over a credit card? Without further inspecting his ID, or discussing it with a supervisor, or your case worker?

That's not to say I wouldn't have done the same thing in her situation, but watching it, I was going, "Seriously?"

Poor Eliot. Banged up and right back on the job. He's right -- they all need recovery time, but especially him. He gets so freaking beat up on some of these jobs. Nothing like seeing him injured and practically begging for time off to heal to reinforce how driven Nate is, and at the cost of his team's well-being.

I loved Parker's pile o' pinatas, and her singleminded drive to get every. single. piece. of candy out of them. Eliot ripping the head off -- and her pained whimper -- were so perfect. That's such an older brother thing to do!

I know it's likely that Hardison's explanation about the comms not working in those conditions was accurate, but considering the conditions we've seen them work in before, it felt contrived.

And I know Hardison was upset about the situation they're in, and his default setting is to babble (kinda like mine, apparently...), but he needed to shut up and let Eliot do his job. If I were stranded in the woods with dogs and men with guns chasing me, of the 5 of them, Eliot is definitely the one I'd want trying to get us the hell out. WTF does Hardison think Eliot did before hooking up with the team?

Not to mention his bitching about them being the ones stuck in that situation. So, what he's saying is that he'd rather have Sophie and Parker running for their lives in the woods, chased by dogs and zealots with guns? Real chivalrous, man.

Parker's moment of "Oh God, this sucks!" at the call center was so genuine, and her mass-delete had me cheering for her. I understand it's a job that someone has to do, but calling cancer patients to harass them for not being able to pay their medical bills? That is the epitome of a soul-sucking job.

It was great to see the worry Nate, Sophie, and Parker were feeling when they found out about the abduction. Well, not great to see, but it was really clear that they weren't just worried about the job going south. They were worried for their boys, their team. Their family.

Heh. They stole a train. In like 30 seconds. Really serves to show that if this group teamed up for evil? The world would be a smoking ruin by end of day.

Eliot, dear, that's an axe. Stop flipping the damn thing around before somebody loses an eye. Or a finger.

Ha! Plan CWA! *g*

It was fun to see a tiny bit of Aldis' stick fighting skills. I can haz hockey!Hardison nao? Plz?

Okay, how did they get the bomb where it needed to go? Hardison distract while Eliot plants? Eliot distract while Hardison plants? That little part of things was glossed over in the flashback.

Eliot's explanation of the difference between a soldier and a militia member was spot on, and said with such conviction. It's great that they're making his background clearer and clearer while still not losing any of the mystery. Clearly something cataclysmic happened to separate him from a life he seems to have valued so highly and send him into a life on the other side of the line.

Nate's plan of setting the bad guys against each other was deliciously evil, but he's lucky the militia leader didn't just shoot Whitman. You can never tell which way religious zealots are gonna go.

"I stole you a train, Eliot. Have a little faith."


OMG, Parker playing Indy 500! Fantastic! To be fair, I knew my sedan could get up to 120 (well, the previous one. Not this one), but I always assumed it could go faster, since the speedometer went up to 160.

...does she even have a license? Probably better not to ask.

Poor Eliot. He looks so sad at the end. Virtual fishing is everything he hates about fishing with nothing he loves. I give him 5 more minutes of it before he wanders away in disgust and finds something to read or cook. I did love that they'd apparently set up camp in Nate's living room. Is that like building a fort with the couch cushions in your footie pajamas?

Next Week -- fast cars! Crazy stunts! More of Parker driving like a madwoman! Can't wait!

Good epi. Not as good as last week's, but entertaining. Can't wait till next week!

One final note -- I went to find an icon to use on this post, and ended up downloading about thirty. *headdesk*

fandom:leverage, reviews:episodes

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