I'm sitting here watching Adult Swim like I do every night, and there is this anime called Android Kikaider: The Animaton, and just so you get a feel for what this show is about here is a little description:
The anime is about an ultimate robot machine, Jiro or also called Kikaider, that has something called the Gemini system which is like his
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I found a few things that you might have:
Acomoclitic - Preference for hairless genitals. [not to sure about this one for you, but a lot of girls prefer no hair for some reason]
Anasteemaphilia - Attraction to a person because of a difference in height.
Callipygian - Having shapely buttocks.
Catamenia - Menstruation.
Cratolagnia - Arousal from strength.
Cypridophobia - Fear of getting venereal disease.
Deosculate - To kiss affectionately.
Depuscelate - To lose one’s virginity. (not sure about this one with you either)
Encraty - Abstinence.
Epigamic - Tending to attract the opposite sex during mating season. (haha or just all year long)
Haptephilia - Arousal by being touched.
Ipsism - Masturbation.
Irrumation - Fellatio. (not saying that you have, but if you have, now you know the scientific term for it)
Isophilic - Relating to same gender affection sans sex. (basically, like showing affection towards someone of the same sex, without sexual intercourse, such as hugging or maybe a kiss on the cheek, etc.)
Kalopsia - Condition where things appear more beautiful than they really are. (ever been infatuated with someone unattractive to most people, or saw a picture you thought was beautiful, but everyone else didn't think so?)
Knissophilia - Attraction to incense-burning. (nag champa is the best)
Mammillated - Having nipples.
Manustupration - Masturbation. (I've noticed it's in here twice already)
Menacme - The menstruating part of a woman’s life.
Metopophilia - Turned on by a person’s face.
Misapodysis - Hatred of undressing in front of someone.
Narratophilia - Arousal from erotic conversations.
Neolagnium - Puberty.
Nothosonomia - Calling someone a bastard.
Nyctphilia - Love of night. (I have this)
Nympholepsy - Trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
Ocnophile - Someone chronically dependent on their lover. (you seem like an independent girl, but in case my observation is incorrect, here it is)
Onanism - Masturbation. (three times now)
Ophelimity - The ability to please sexually.
Paracoita - A female sexual partner.
Pareunia - Sexual intercourse.
Pucelage - Virginity. (not sure, once again but if so there it is)
Pygophilia - Aroused from buttocks. (ever thought a guy had a cute ass? lol)
Quim - The vagina.
Rammish - Lustful and horny.
Ruttish - Horny. (two times for this one... masturbation is still winning with three times though)
Sthenolagnia - Arousal from displaying strength or muscles.
Trichopathophilia - Sexual attraction to hair.
Virgin - Have yet to experience sexual intercourse with male genitalia. (two times for this one as well)
Viripotent - Sexually mature.
So yeah, there's a list of scientific terms for stuff you might have or might not or whateva :P Oh, and I found out what the thing with the vibrator would be:
Mechanophilia - Turned on by machines.
I think it means that you are sexually attracted to a machine, so if you felt like you desired a vibrator or something... I dunno. I'm more into avisodomy haha :X you are gonna have to look that one up on google.com yourself.
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