"Well you spared me from the slaughter for sure, but these sharks are equally in need of a martyr."

Nov 19, 2007 00:52

Hmm... hum de dum..

Wednesday, I hung out after math in the lounge until it was officially closed due to Casino Night preparations. I really remember at all what I did after that... I know I saw Danny briefly, but other than that, I’m not sure.

Thursday I had to go to a cultural event for my German class. It was a harvest festival at this Unitarian church in Muncie, and I had to get a ride. They had people shuttling to there from North Quad at 6:30, so I went there and waited for a ride. I was looking lost, and this man with a foreign accent asked me if I was looking for a ride, and I clarified with him that he was, in fact, going to the church. I got into the van, and I was really nervous, as you know, they tell you from when you are a small child never to get into cars with strangers. In fact, I was terrified. But then he mentioned something about Dr. Werner, another German professor, trying to find more people, and I eased my fear.

As it turns out, my driver is the husband of one of the French professors, and he’s from France but has been living in the United States for twenty-two years. On our way to the church, we were talking about Christmas and how it is such a big deal in the United States, and neither of us could really understand that, but we still take part in it. I told him that I traveled to France in March, and we discussed Chenonceaux and the chateaus and food. It was really cool.

Inside the church, they had a maypole set up with people dressed up in traditional German outfits dancing around it. The festival wasn’t entirely German, though; there were French, Italian, and Japanese influences of it, too. A girl named Brittany sat next to me, since neither of us really knew anyone else, and we talked. Kasey, a girl in my class, came up later and talked with us, as did Herr Johnson. Brittany and I were then standing at the end of the very long line for food, and Madisen and Danny walked in the door. I was so surprised!

Madisen heard about the festival from her French professor, whose husband gave me a ride, and mentioned it to Danny. He remembered me talking about it too (mainly how I didn’t know anyone else who was going), and so he decided to come along. It was really nice. I got to eat curry and French pastries and Japanese wontons and Spätzle. Yum!

We got back to campus, and Danny came up to my room for a while and hung out and talked. For some reason, we started talking about books and I talked about Chuck Palahniuk and picked up Haunted off my bookshelf and gave it to Danny to read. He hasn’t read a single Chuck Palahniuk book, but I am certain it will be interesting for him.

Friday, I was feeling blah. I didn’t understand why, either. I just wasn’t in the mood. I mean, I am happy about my life right now and I like where I am going, and I am so full of love, but Friday was something I couldn’t control. I don’t like that. Robbie came to visit Leigh, and we hung out in the Swinford basement while Casino Night was starting up, and I was bored and blah. Sarah and Nick were going with Krista to see a community theater put on the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Leigh, Robbie, Erin, and Kristin were going to watch Hairspray at Pruis, but I wasn’t feeling up to going to either one. Before they left, Sarah pulled me aside and the two of us were sitting in the hallway of first floor Swinford, across from the bathroom, her hugging me and me with my head on her shoulder. It helped, talking to her, but I still was feeling pretty down.

I ended up sitting in the bank with Austin and Missy during Casino Night until their shift was over. Danny found me there, and he was racking up the cash at the craps table, as well as everyone else. He was worried about me, I could tell, but I told him to go on and have some fun, as I would be all right. After Austin and Missy’s shift was over, I hung out by Mr. DJ, Brian. He and Austin are great at making people feel better, though I know Brian’s been under stress a lot lately. We’ve both been supporting each other, it seems, even though we’re not that close. He said something, and I said, “Hey, I’m all right, I can still smile, see? It’s just that inside I’m still not feeling all that good.”

Danny and I left together, and we went to the stadium to get his car and went to Burger King because he missed dinner, and then we went to his dorm room. His roommate usually goes home every weekend, but since they had one last marching band event on Saturday evening, he was there. He annoyed me a bit, but oh well. I watched an episode of Scrubs while Danny e-mailed something to one of his professors, and then we played Guitar Hero III, which he had just bought that day. He was playing through career mode on easy just so he could get more songs unlocked. He still needs to play on co-op mode to unlock Bloc Party, the Beastie Boys, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, though.

I played a little bit. It consisted of Danny playing a set, me playing a song, during which I would miss a note after a while and yell, “Fuck!” and play through the rest of the song, then hand the controller back to Danny to play another set. Rinse and repeat. Danny’s friend Rob got on Xbox live, and they played against each other on “Through the Fire and Flames” on expert. It was insane.

Afterwards, since it was around 3:00, we decided to go to sleep. Danny warned me that his roommate talked in his sleep, and that was awkward when I faintly heard him as I slept. I found it funny, though.

We didn’t wake up until about 10:30, and then I finally left at 1:30. A car honked at me as I walked back to Schmidt/Wilson. It’s odd. I mean, I don’t do anything with Danny that I feel ashamed of, and I don’t think people understand that. I don’t regret anything with him because it is - well, rather innocent, I would say, and I like it like that, the new beginning, the feeling like I am a thirteen-year-old girl who has found her first love. It is just that walk... it is lonely. But I don’t regret anything.

The world knows when I regret, even when I don’t speak.

I spent most of my time in my room on Saturday. Sarah was in Evansville visiting her friend Chris. I ate lunch and dinner in my room, and I watched Touring the Angel and instant messaged Joe. It was nice to catch up on things with him.

I went to the lounge around 8:00 or so, and it was fairly quiet still. Alex was bored, Austin was asleep, though eventually people started coming in. A lot of my group. Leigh showed Robbie around campus and brought him to the lounge afterwards, and later in the evening, Chris (The Frosch) and Mia came up to visit.

I played Balderdash with Alex, Chris (Geldes), Missy, Tom, and Brian, and that was pretty entertaining. Then, Austin got Trekkies from NetFlix, so a group of us were watching that. They were playing Signs in the back of the lounge, but I didn’t feel up to playing. Danny played a little, though, after he got back from his marching band thing.

We stopped watching Trekkies and went to Late Nite to get free food, but they were all out of food. We returned to the lounge, finished Trekkies, and then people were going to bed and leaving and things of that nature.

Danny and I were going to IHOP because Saturday morning we were cuddling and I asked him, “How do you feel about late night breakfast excursions?” because I had a craving for pancakes. He was perfectly fine with it. We were leaving, and Alex was bored, and we said he could come with us. He didn’t have any money, though, and he was disappointed and figured he wouldn’t go after all. Then Lemmy gave him money, and Alex wouldn’t accept it, and they argued for about fifteen minutes about it. My guy friends are such gentlemen, really. Finally, Alex was convinced to join us, and the three of us went to Danny’s car, even though it was parked on the other side of campus, and stopped to get gas.

We got to IHOP around 3:00, and I had hot chocolate, eggs, bacon, and pancakes with butter and boysenberry syrup. It was amazing and delightful, and we had some good conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

We returned to campus around 4:00, and then we said good night to Alex and Danny spent the night in my room with me. We didn’t wake up until 1:30, and he didn’t leave until 5:00.

I took my shower, dressed, grabbed unsatisfying food from La Follette for dinner, and then hung out in the lounge. I called my dad and talked to him outside for an hour. David has his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do now, and Alex had a Thanksgiving play at his school and was dressed as an Indian. I was happy to hear about them both. We also have our plans for Christmas set up. I’ll be spending more time over in Richmond before Christmas with them, but then they leave on the 26th, and I will not be joining them. We’re going to save money by me not having to buy a plane ticket, even if that means I won’t get to spend that much time with that side of the family.

This also means that I will be in Indiana for my birthday. This is going to be very weird.

Anyway, I watched the Simpsons, and my mom called and I talked to her. She’ll be picking me up on Tuesday at 5:00, so I might have some time with friends before I go. I will also be bringing David Bowie home with me, so I need to figure out a way to transport him. At least he’ll get a clean bowl out of the deal.

I then watched Family Guy and hung out with people. I tickled Danny and ate spice cake, and Sarah finished the scarf she had been working on. Brian hugged me and Lemmy put something unknown in my hair that made it sticky... eww...

Danny said something really sweet tonight. Well, I’ve been thinking to myself that I wasn’t going to make a big deal about month anniversaries or anything like that, but I knew that tonight marked our being together one month. I didn’t say anything, but then Danny was saying good night to me after we returned his car to the stadium parking lot and he walked me back to my dorm, and he said, “Today’s the 18th, isn’t it? We’ve been together for a month.” I nodded, and he said, “It’s been a good month.” And I said, “Here’s to many more.”

I think I’m happy with him, and I hope that I’m not wrong.

So tomorrow will be a nice day, my COMM 210 class is cancelled, and I will have German at 1:00 and math at 2:00. The same schedule will also apply for Tuesday. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving break! No worries...though Pendleton home doesn’t really feel like home anymore
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