"Tiger-Man" - 1/1

Mar 04, 2008 23:41

Characters: Giles/Faith
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
A Blast Furnace Production
Original material copyright © 1999 by A. Manley Haight

Flames are welcome and are, in fact, encouraged for psychological study.

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  In this universe, Faith is one of the Good Guys.  She's just a little naughtier than the rest of them.

This story is not in any way intended to infringe on copyrights held by Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy or Time Warner.  This story may be distributed only with prior permission of the author, and may not be posted to any archive, ftp site, or web page without the written permission of the author.  Okay to archive at Naked Place.  This story is distributed for the individual personal entertainment of persons of legal age for viewing sexually explicit material in areas where such viewing is legal, and is not subject to purchase or sale by anyone.

The library door banged open.
    "Giles!  Hey, G-Man, where are you?"
    Giles came out of his office at the shout.
    "Faith," he said, surprised.  "Are you all right?  What are you doing here so late?"  The rogue Slayer was disheveled, panting, with a wild look in her eyes.  He could only wonder what had happened, and waited for her to explain some terrible situation.
    She didn't speak, but came right up to him, grabbed his glasses off his face to toss them on the counter, and took his head in her hands to kiss him obscenely.  The touch was flame, blazing down through his groin into his toes, startling him with the intensity of his body's response.  He didn't know what to do with his hands, and finally took her arms and pushed her back from him to catch his breath.
    "What...what on earth are you doing?" he panted.
    "Didn't Buffy ever tell you?" she said.
    "Tell me what?" he said, a little breathlessly.
    "Slaying makes me horny," she said, licking his jaw.  She had both hands on his chest under his coat, seeking out his sensitive nipples through his shirt.  He made a soft sound in his throat, unable to bring himself to make her stop.  The attention felt good, and it had been a very long time.  She was warm and sensuous and obviously wanted him very badly.  "Usually it's okay; I can just go home and have fun by myself, but it's been a long, long time and I missed a kill tonight and I need a man's cock."
    "My goodness," Giles sighed, taken aback by her vulgarity.  Why was he still letting her touch him?  Why did it have to feel so damn good?  "No, she never told me, and actually I-I-I think I've heard of it.  It's not too uncommon, historically speaking -- "
    "No history lesson," Faith said, her hands moving down between his legs to grope him, finding his still-soft cock.  He half-responded without thinking, his pelvis moving into her palms to answer the carnal  pleasure of the touch and the promise.  Faith grinned at him, emboldened by his reaction.  "I need you, Rupert.  I need your body.  Is there a horny guy underneath all that stuffy, British tweed?"
    He pushed her away suddenly, his hands on her shoulders and not letting go.
    "Faith, stop it," he said, his eyes darkening.  "This is not a good idea.  It's totally inappropriate and could have consequences of which you're unaware.  I am a Watcher.  May I suggest one of the boys?  Or you c-could go to the Bronze.  I doubt you'll have any trouble finding someone willing to oblige you."
    "The boys are both taken," Faith said.  She was touching his chest again, toying with his nipples more aggressively, pinching them sharply.  He hissed in surprise but she wouldn't let him withdraw.  "You're not.  And they couldn't take it anyway.  I don't want this to be complicated.  I need it fast and hard and right now, and tomorrow I don't want to have some kind of a conversation about feelings and love and marriage, and maybe I can give a poor, celibate Watcher a cheap thrill."  She slid her hands down his belly and thighs, framing his groin for a moment and then cupping his balls firmly.  He gave a startled, rough grunt, and she found the shaft of his cock again.  It was harder now, rising stiffly in his trousers.  She outlined its shape with her hand and the Watcher growled.  "Just wham, bam, thank you ma'am."
    Giles pushed her away hard, and the edge of the counter came up behind her rather forcefully.  She grunted, not actually hurt but very surprised, and Giles backed away from her angrily.
    "And did you never think that maybe there was a reason that Watchers are celibate?" he growled furiously.  She just looked at him, astonished by the shift in his demeanor.  "That there is a reason for my
emotional detachment and modesty and discipline?  How dare you!  You come in here like fire, deliberately provoking me!  How dare you violate me like this when you know better!"
    /This is not Xander,/ a calm voice in the back of her mind cautioned her.  Faith pushed away from the edge of the counter and approached him slowly.
    "Because we both need it," she said.  She could feel her own trembling; the unspent lust of her failed kill earlier that night.  His nostrils flared and she knew he smelled it on her.  "You spend almost every day of your life with your Slayer, having to be near her, smell her, ache for her -- the strength that can handle you.  You fight with her, honing her skills, worked into a frenzy but forbidden to touch her the way you want to."  Giles bared his teeth as she came right up to him.  She had backed him up against the edge of the table.
    "Get out," he hissed.  "Get out of here before I -- "
    "What?" she challenged quietly, smiling.  "Spank me?  Bite me?  Fuck me?  Come on, Watcher-man.  I know how you feel about Buffy, but she's not legal, in California or in the Watcher's law.  But I am.  I can take you, Watcher.  You can't hurt me."  She put her hands on his chest again, but just rested them there this time instead of playing with his nipples.  She wedged her body between his thighs so he could feel her heat and strength.  He shuddered, and she understood then how naturally he responded to a Slayer's strength and aggression.  "I'm not Buffy, but I'm willing to be a substitute under duress.  I want some
and you want some, Rupert.  There's no bad thing here.  No consequences except both of us feeling good."  Her voice was sultry, and she started rubbing his chest, massaging gently.  Giles leaned his
head back with a soft moan, his knuckles white where he gripped the table's edge.  "Nothing to be scared of, Watcher-man.  I'm right here.  I'm ready, baby.  Just take it.  I'm tired of bad boy wannabes.  A
Watcher's what I need."
    With a growl of ultimate desperation, Giles pushed her away and slipped away from her, backing up the steps into the stacks.
    "No," he rasped.  "I can't.  I don't dare.  Why do you insist on pushing me like this?"  She followed him, loving the sight of him becoming increasingly flustered and tempted.
    "Because driving you crazy is half the fun," she said.  "Doesn't it hurt, Watcher-man?"  She'd gotten him back into the archaeology section, between the shelves.  "All those nights alone, both hands wrapped around your cock and thinking about her, thinking about me?"  He had stopped in his retreat from her, as if he had hit an invisible brick wall at his back.  He was breathing deep and hard through flared nostrils and a half-open mouth, practically able to taste the scent of her.  He couldn't look away from her as she grabbed him by his coat lapel and shoved him up against the shelving, driving a soft gasp from his chest.
    She got between his legs and rubbed herself up against his groin and belly, relishing his now rock-hard erection.  His eyes closed at the fiery flood of heat it sent through him, teasing his deepest desires, and he heard himself groan low in his throat.  His hips answered her firmly; he could feel her female warmth through their clothes and wanted nothing more than to bury his cock in it.
    "Faith...I can't," he said hoarsely, trying desperately to breathe.  "Can't."
    "Why not?" she purred.  "You worried Buffy will find out?  She won't.  I won't tell her, I swear.  You worried I'm going to blackmail you?  No way."
    "The Council...I'm forbidden..."
    "Don't you even tell me that the Council of Watchers is going to have a fit," she said.  "Who gives a shit if they do, and who's going to tell them anyway?"  Faith dug her hand into her own pants, covering her fingers with her warm juices and savoring the brief pleasure of fondling herself.  Giles watched her, transfixed.  "They're just jealous they can't have any of this..."
    She put her hand under his nose, felt and heard his startled inhale at the scent of her.  He shied but she held his face, rubbing the wetness onto his upper lip and forcing him to breathe it in.  "You like that, Watcher?" she teased as he shuddered hard and followed her hand as she moved her fingers.  She stroked his lips and suddenly he captured her fingers with his mouth, his eyes closing in rapture as he  devoured the smell and taste of her on her hand, his eager tongue finding every bit of it.  "Ooh, yeah, poor thing, you can't help it," she chuckled.  His warm breath caressed the back of her hand as he pulled away and looked at her.
    "Actually, I think I can help it quite a bit," he said.  Before she could take another breath, he was using his entire body to push her away, across the aisle into the opposite shelf.  He pinned her there with his legs and hips, and slid his hand into her hair to grip tightly and jerk her head back to meet his hot, devouring kiss.
    There was no hesitation in her reply, her mouth opening to welcome him and she put one hand firmly around the back of his neck, the other around his waist for leverage to grind her hips into his.  His mouth slid away from hers, down her neck, licking and nipping.
    "Come on, Watcher-man," she panted with a laugh.  "I don't want any foreplay."
    "Good," Giles replied, drawing back.  "I wasn't planning on any."
    He reached for her tank top and dragged it over her head, pleased and not at all surprised to discover that she didn't wear a bra.  She was all muscle, lithe and taut, and he exhaled an animal breath of delight.  He put his hands on her flanks, caressing up her back for a moment to savor it.
    "You are wearing way too much," she said, amused, and unknotted his tie with swift, strong fingers.
"I agree wholeheartedly," he growled, and helped her strip his clothes off.  When he was bare-chested, she paused for a moment, running her hands up his torso.
    "Ooh, you're pretty," she said, and then started to work at his trousers.  "Can't wait to see the rest."
    "Yes, I can see you are rather used to boys," Giles muttered, laughing, and he relished the astonishment on her face as he drove them both to the carpet hard and unzipped her own tight-fitting pants so he could drag them down her legs.  "But boys grow up to be men, you see," he hissed.  She was naked in a heartbeat, her jeans and panties thrown to the side, and Giles got up on his knees to finish taking off his own pants.  Faith watched, riveted, her eyes dark with lust.  Then she grinned.
    "Hey, boxers," she said, licking her lips.  "Those're so cute..." 
    She tried to sit up, having every intention of getting her mouth around the gorgeous cock that he bared to her gaze.  His hand was around her throat in the next moment and she grunted hard as he shoved her back down to the floor.  Anger blazed in her eyes this time and she grabbed his wrist, but the sight of him naked as he kicked the boxers away made her hesitate, like a mouse hypnotized by a cobra.
    "Better do it my way, luv," he said, amused, "or we won't do it at all."  Faith laughed at him.
    "Yeah, right," she said.  "You couldn't stop now if you're life depended on it."  His answering grin was confident and anticipatory.
    "Do you feel like calling my bluff?" he wondered in a soft, dangerous voice.  He was moving slowly between her thighs, getting himself into place, rubbing his bare, muscular legs against hers.  "Or would you rather let me get on with this, since it feels so good?"  His tone was sultry, maddening, and her legs lifted so she could rub her feet along his flanks.  Her body was hungry for his cock, and she discovered she was shaking as Giles lowered his hips to touch the tip of his cock to her sex, stroking the length of it along the soft hair, gently between her outer lips.  Faith groaned gutturally, grabbing his ribs and digging her nails into his flesh.
    "Oh, Jesus," she panted.  He was covering his cock with her wetness, teasing her with the firm, warm head, and a hard shudder started in her belly to spread out to her legs where she gripped his hips with her knees.  "Do it," she gasped, squirming beneath him, rubbing against his cock and trying to entice him to enter.  She needed that cock, needed what she saw in his eyes.  "God dammit, Rupert, you bastard, do it!"  His strong hand grabbed her hair again, baring her throat and making her arch her breasts up with a strangled growl.
    "Say please," he breathed, a feral smile on his mouth, his eyes glittering.  "Come on, luv, beg for it.  It's not so bad."  Faith laughed weakly, the burning need in her blood coaxing her.  Part of her resisted  submitting to him, but another part enjoyed playing his rough game.  She reached for his neck, drawing sharp nails down his throat.
    "Please," she purred, scoring his flesh until he bled, and he hissed with pleasure.  "Please, Watcher-man.  Give it to me."  His soft hiss became a low rumble, and he shifted a little to settle his cock
against her opening, and with a smooth, sensuous motion he slid into her, feeling her shudder and grip his cock tightly with a rippling heat.  She groaned, craning her head back and closing her eyes.
    "Rrrrrrmmmyessss," Giles breathed, baring his teeth at the delicious pleasure of this slow impalement.
    "Shit, that's good," Faith groaned, having trouble catching her breath.  "Oh fuck, I think I'm gonna, oh yeah -- "  He watched her, eager and amazed, as she climaxed from the sweetness of just him entering her.  Her legs clamped around his body and he grunted, then hummed with satisfaction.  Panting, she collapsed fully onto her back again, her eyes opening to look at him with wonder and appreciation.
    "See?  That wasn't so hard," he said with a grin.
    "You sure are, though," she countered with a laugh, wrapping her legs around him to pull him close.  "You get a gold star."  He gave a low, thoughtful hum.
    "Wonder if I can soften that sharp tongue of yours?" he mused, and let go of her hair suddenly to plant both hands on the floor with a thump, leaning over her and shoving his cock deep with a fierce, rumbling growl.  She cried out, as much from the savagery of his mood as the sweet glory of his cock inside her.
    "What happened to fast and hard, Rupert baby?" she teased breathlessly.
    "Just making sure you can take all of me," he said with another grin, and then he braced himself on the floor with his hands and began a deep, hard rhythm that evoked a wild, inarticulate cry from Faith.  Giles laughed, purring.
    Watchers traditionally had problems finding sexual partners who could endure their tastes and who understood their nature.  Slayers and Watchers had a natural bond in this respect, a natural kinship.  Buffy hadn't yet come into this instinctual awareness, nor would Giles ever have willingly been the man to introduce her to it, however much he might want to.
    Faith needed no such instruction, and was certainly capable of tolerating his ferocity.  She was growling like an animal, clawing into his back and buttocks, demanding more, demanding everything of him as a man.  He laughed again, as much as he could while panting and grunting, trying to satisfy her and completely enjoying himself in the process.  Her nails found a tender spot, gouging one of his nipples a
little too hard, and even as he gasped with pleasure, he grabbed both of her wrists and forced them down to the carpet by her head.  "Best keep those to yourself, you bloody tigress," he breathed, chuckling.
    "Just don't stop," she panted.  "Don't stop, you son of a bitch, oh, Christ, that's so good!"  His grip around her wrists was like iron.  It was going to leave dark bruises, and would have been exceptionally painful to an ordinary human.  Faith just growled and arched up against him, feeling sweat beginning to pool in the hollow of her throat. 
    She was unbearably hot, and Giles was steadily increasing the speed of his fierce, bucking thrusts.
    "Oooh, God, I don't know if I can hold on," he groaned, throwing his head back with delight.
    "Just a little more, Watcher-man," Faith breathed.  "Just a little more, baby, and then you can let go."  Sweat dripped from his chin onto her lips, and she licked her mouth to taste him.  "Oh yeah," she groaned, feeling it gather in her belly, a diffuse, pulsing heat that was coming ever more quickly into focus.  "Yeah, Rupert, come on, baby, don't stop!"  He let go of her wrists, and she threw both arms around his shoulders and tore her nails across his back.  He gave a shout of pain and feral joy.
    "Oh, Jesus!" he cried.  "Careful, damn it, or you'll make me come sooner than you think!"
    "What the hell do you think I'm trying to do?" she snarled, and he was suddenly looking down into her orgasm rising in her eyes.  She grabbed his face, scoring his cheek, clawing over his jaw and under his  chin.  The pain, the awareness of her own climax ripping through her, the brutal elation of taking a Slayer like this, rose up in his belly all at once and he gave a roar of triumph as his own climax slammed into
him like Thor's hammer into his back.  She was howling like a banshee, and he'd never felt so free in his life.  He just yelled and growled, letting the orgasm have its way with him and keeping nothing inside.
    It seemed like a very long release for both of them, and when it finally washed out of him, he found he had to open his eyes.  She was already gazing at him, both of them panting hard, covered in sweat.  She grinned at him, and Giles withdrew from her carefully, conscious of her undoubtedly tender sex.  She seemed to appreciate the consideration, and rolled onto her side with a sigh.  Giles flopped down onto his back on the carpet, his chest heaving, still trying to catch his breath.  Suddenly he started to giggle, putting one hand on his stomach and laughing as he gazed up at the shelves of books to either side of them and the FireGard tiled ceiling.
    "What're you laughin' at, G-man?" Faith asked cheerfully.  Giles let his arm thump to the floor, outstretched.
    "The fact that that was bloody, sodding marvelous," he announced to the room in general.  "The fact that I feel so damn good that I don't care that I'm bleeding onto the carpet.  The fact that I just shagged somebody in the bloody stacks of my bleeding library, for God's sake.  Somebody will definitely think that's kinky."  He chuckled, deliciously sated.
    "I always said that all you really needed was a good, teeth-rattling fuck," Faith said, amused.  "Hey, have you got a handkerchief or something?"
    "Mm?" he said, craning his head back to look at her.  He understood suddenly.  "Ah.  Yes, actually..."  He rolled over to reach for his trousers and handed her the cloth from the pocket.
    "Thanks," she said, pressing it against her sex to absorb some of the evidence of their coupling, then leaving it there to continue observing him from her position on her side.  Giles grinned wolfishly.
    "Feel free to give it back to me when you're through with it," he murmured.  She raised an eyebrow.
    "You're a disgusting man, Rupert," she said, then grinned.  "I like that.  Have I mentioned lately that you're an incredibly awesome lay?"  Giles settled onto his belly to rest his chin on folded arms, looking at her with a smug smile.
    "Mmm.  Not lately," he admitted.  "But I do my best, madam.  I hope that was satisfactory.  I'm well aware that Slayers can be quite demanding, and I'm starting to get too old for this."
    "G-man, there ain't a boytoy in the world who could've done what you just did," Faith informed him with a sated smile.
    Faith left after getting her clothes back together, dancing on the way out the door.  Giles just shook his head in wonder at her energy, shuffling down the steps, his trousers back on but his shirt, coat and tie in his hands.  He spent a few minutes tending to the wounds Faith had given him; claw marks across his back, buttocks and on his throat and face.  That was going to be interesting to explain.  He grabbed
some of Oz's blankets out of the cage and curled up on the couch in his office.  There was no way he was going to make it home after that lovely time with Faith.  He turned the lights off and yawned.  Thank God it
was Friday night.  He gave a deep, contented sigh and purred quietly.
    She'd given him another nickname before leaving.  He wasn't sure if he were amused or horrified at the prospect of her calling him by it in front of Buffy and the others.  For now it just made him feel pleasantly warm and flattered, and he fell asleep easily, looking forward to the look on Buffy's face.  He could practically hear her voice; "Tiger-man?!"
    He laughed.

The End

buffy the vampire slayer / angel, fanfic

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