Burned Rubber and Twisted Carbon

Jan 05, 2009 22:28

So I got myself Burnout Paradise and well being bored right now I might as well make a post.

Personally I enjoy the Burnout Series allot (Cept for the Ds one, that one can burn in hell along with the mother fucking Halo shit fest.) It's a game which looks at 7 Year old's with hot wheels and seeing them crash the cars and jumping the entire bed, they said, Hey lets make a game! And so Here we have a game where your goal is to go really really really fast and turn other cars into a pile of fucking scraps even a hobo would reject.

I'm an odd kind of Racing game lover. I have GT4 and well I have maybe 4 races won, and I got bored and overly frustrated with this "realism" if you like doing the same race 20 times just to shave off 2 seconds fine by me. but spending 4 hours tweeking your stats to perfection is not fun. I likes games like the Old NFS and maybe even most wanted which was fairly good. but mostly games that game you a fast car told you where to go and waved goodbye wile you crushed trough the streets.

the Carmageddon his my lap and I was in love, here is a game who encourages you to run over people and you can win a race by just killing everyone. but Carmagaddon was short lived and nothing ever filled it's shoes. I mean there was a note worthy one called Midtown Madness but I found it quite tame. Track Mania Came Close I mean driving in Hot wheels Style Tracks was fun.

but Then Some Blokes created Burnout. and boy was I in Love. Street Racing, huge crashes and really cool cars. yah it was fun. I mean I have it for PSP and I worn the damn disk out, or was it cause my PSP dore was broken.. Cause I did Wear out Castlevania out out also. Meh who cares.

but anyhow, years pass and now we have the PS3 and 1080p graphics and we where given a somewhat rough Jewel. Paradise is no Means Perfect, but I still like it allot. i mean a Game where you can Run 200 MPH in a wall, see your wheels fly off the car the engine pop out on the ground fenders litter the floor and seemingly merge into the wall soon to become the 8th wounder of the world of the car who teleported into a wall or something.

All of the Old games modes are Back along with a few not so fun game modes but still fun. My Classic Fun if Back, Road Rage, oh yes road rage. What I never liked of the previous closed circuit road rages was I couldn't simply use tricky maneuvering to avoid a crash, I was stuck in a narrow predefined track. now I can simply swerve into other streets and make my own road, knock other cars off bridges and even even follow them all over town. With all the roads available every road rage feels different. but Road Rage still misses some thing I liked. What happened to Multiple Take downs. Double and Triple Take downs are gone in over 30 hours of game play I haven't had a single one. Signature take downs are around but the lack of a snap shot kinda makes me a sad lizard. I mean Collecting them was always a favorite of mine. The addition of a time limit is kinda of annoying but in those 4 minutes I've reach well over 60 take downs so I guess it's a mute point and being able to repair mid race is pretty fun.

Racing and Time Trial have Returned but there both somewhat unforgiving. Big Reason is the open world. I do truly Enjoy the open road but what was difficult for me at first is memorizing the city. The First 20 races or so was mostly trial and error of finding fast roads. Now I have most of the city memorized but maybe putting flares on the ground or maybe even highlight the road or something make it so its easier for people to jump into race, especially when some tracks just become awkward. and some of those Time Trials demand perfection. Wile it's fun to try and learn and practice new ways to get to the Finish Line it can get frustrating at time.

The new Game mode is Stunt Run. and I must admit it's not my favorite mode. You basically have to make the most stunts possible but your giving so little time to get in position and if you just Scratch a traffic car you fail. Wile driving trough Town ripping out every billboard you can find and doing rodeo jump is cool as hell you should be given much more time, maybe 5 minutes, so even if you do screw it up you can at least have a 2nd chance.

in the End, the open world works pretty well, but isn't very forgiving to players new to the city. You will need to simply drive and learn the city allot. but its got crashes, and fast cars.

now I sick of typing laters.
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