(no subject)

Oct 01, 2011 20:34

Title: Untitled
Author: pembroke
Rating: PG at most for stupid fluff and mild language.
Pairing: Ray/Walt, Wartime Hipsters verse
Fandom: Generation Kill
Word count: 1317
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue. Character are based on the HBO representations, not on the actual people themselves.
Summary: Ray doesn't really care for Manhattan, but some parts aren't so bad.
A/N: dorm room slumber parties~

When Ray and Walt hung out, Walt usually came to him. It wasn’t that Ray didn’t want to put in that extra effort to wait the usual forty-five minutes it took for a G train to pull into the station, he just wasn’t a Manhattan kind of guy. It was an alright place, but Ray always said that Brooklyn was all he needed, not the corporate dicksucks that made up uptown.

But Manhattan was where Walt’s dorms were and this weekend he had the room to himself. Nate left earlier that day to go home and see his sister’s newborn baby and Ray’s shift at the café didn’t start until the next afternoon so, as far as Ray was concerned, that could only mean it was time for a sleepover in an actual bed.

Ray hadn’t been to Walt’s dorm before, but the area of Manhattan that NYU was in was one of the few places in the city that he actually sort of liked. He didn’t go too often, but he still could navigate it as easily as he could one of the buildings at Pratt.

And that was how he found himself standing outside the dorms, bag slipping off his shoulder, phone held up to his ear to get Walt to come down and let him in. He had barely hit “call” before he saw Walt bounding through the door and onto the sidewalk.

“Hi.” He said as he stopped in front of Ray. If Ray didn’t know any better, he’d think that the smile on Walt’s face looked a little shy. In response, Ray just reached out to ruffle his hair. “You gonna let me in or am I stuck out here on the sidewalk?”

Walt brushed his hand away and grinned. “Depends on if you’re gonna be on your best behaviour or not.”

“Never.” Ray pushed the sunglasses he was wearing up to his forehead and winked. Walt rolled his eyes and turned towards the door.

A quick trip past the security guard at the door (guest sign in was one of the many things Ray hated about dorm living) and up an elevator and Ray found himself looking around the small room that Walt shared with Nate.

“Sorry that it kinda sucks.” Walt said, tossing his ID and keys onto his desk. He scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

“Naw homes, it pretty much looks like my room at Pratt.” He wandered over to Nate’s side of the room (it was about fifty times neater than Walt’s side) and looked through some of the photos on his dresser. “At least yours comes with a roommate you actually like.”

Walt came up behind him and peered over his shoulder at the photo he was holding. It was Nate and his parents and sisters on some family vacation. Ray couldn’t help but notice that they all had the same smile. He put the photo back.

“Oh well, enough with Ivy League. I wanna go through all your shit now.”  He turned on his heel and made a beeline for Walt’s desk, pausing only to shrug the bag off his shoulders and drop it onto the bed.

There were a few things he recognized from when Walt would come stay in Brooklyn - cellphone, notebooks, textbooks, laptop. There were a few photos pinned to the wall of people that Walt never talked about. A small but full bookshelf sat next to it. Ray ran his fingers over the titles, some he recognized, some he didn’t. His hand stopped over what could only be a high school yearbook and he pulled it off the shelf immediately. “This should be a good read,” he said proudly as he dropped down onto Walt’s bed.

He opened it to the senior class and skimmed through for the H’s. Walt sat down next to him, their thighs just barely touching, and shook his head. “Of all the things you could have picked out...” Ray beamed.

“Found it!” Ray all but yelled, hunching over to peer closely at the photo. “Jesus Walt, just when I thought you couldn’t look any more like an angel-faced wholesome farm boy, apparently I just needed to look at eighteen year old you.” He scrunched up his face and reached over to pinch Walt’s cheek. “Are you in this book anywhere else?” He started flipping through the pages, but Walt took it from him and opened right to a section in the back.

“Sports and clubs. I was on the football team.” He went to hand the book back, but Ray was just staring at him. Walt furrowed his brow. “What?”

“Football team? My little farm boy was a jock?” The grin was starting to creep back onto his face.

“Well, yeah… It was fun and it kept me out of my house.” He shrugged. “Why, what did you do in school?”

“You mean on days I was actually there?” Ray smirked. “I, uh, smoked cigarettes with the burn-outs under the bleachers and ate lunch by myself in the art room most days and got into fights behind the gym. Oh, and sometimes I was on the debate team.”

Walt stared, unsure of what to say. After a moment of silence, Ray just shook his head and leaned over to brush his shoulder against Walt’s. “Put the sad puppy eyes away, I’m over it homes. That’s why I came to New York. I’m over here living the life while those idiots are stuck back in my hometown sleeping through their community college classes.” Walt gave him a sad smile. “And besides, I’ve apparently corrupted one of their own in the process, so that’s an awesome bonus.” He gestured down at the photo of Walt in full uniform standing with his football team.

“Hey, I was plenty corrupt before you got to me, you dumb hick.”

Ray raised an eyebrow. “Really now? What, did one of these fine upstanding young gentlemen suck your dick in the locker room or something?” When Walt’s only reply was to look away as his cheeks started turning pink, another huge grin broke out over Ray’s face. “No. Fucking. Way,” he cried out gleefully and snapped the book closed. “One of them did! I fucking knew it homes, all those jocks are just closeted homos. It explains why the ones back in my school wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone.”

Walt just smiled. “It might have happened more than once.” He took the book from Ray’s hands and stood up, returning it to its rightful place on his shelf as Ray catcalled him from the bed. “Way to fucking go, puppy. I knew there was a reason that I liked you. I brought you something, by the way.” He reached over to grab the bag he dropped onto the bed earlier and pulled out two six packs of PBR then stood up to hand them off to Walt. “For later, and then I’m going to give you a real blowjob. Nothing like those shitty closet jocks did.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous.” Walt said from where he brought the six packs into the kitchen to stow them in the fridge. “What are we doing now?”

“If we’re going to be in Manhattan, then we’re going to Forbidden Planet so I can pick up some comics.” He shrugged the backpack back onto his shoulders and got up to lean against Walt’s desk. “And then I’ll buy you dinner, I know a good place around here.”

Walt smiled as he picked up a few things around the room and packed them away into a messenger bag. “I thought you didn’t like Manhattan.” He said as he came up to the desk, reaching around Ray to grab his keys and his phone. Ray just shrugged and curled a finger in Walt’s belt loop.

“Some parts aren’t so bad.”

Later, after Ray finished dagging Walt all over the east village and they were both drifting off to sleep, curled around each other in Walt’s too small dorm bed, Walt pressed his face against Ray’s shoulder and said, quietly, “I wouldn’t have beaten you up behind the gym.”

Ray smiled to himself and wrapped an arm around his waist. “That’s because apparently you would’ve been too busy getting your dick sucked in the locker room.”

Walt laughed and shoved him. “Go to sleep, you stupid moment-ruining fuck.”
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