Mini Update for Fall!

Sep 12, 2009 11:00

Hi my dearest 3 LJ friends! You probably have been to it if you know me, but in the rare instance you haven't (or haven't been back in the last week or two),  I have finally launched my Etsy shop! If you like cute jewelry, cell phone charms, acessories, etc. Please check it out! Also if you happen to have a friends list with people who might be interested, I'd be VERY VERY grateful if maybe you could spread the word around! The picture below is just a sampling of what I have/the kinds of things I make. Click on it or the link below to visit it!

Also! I just got back from a short trip to Georgia on Monday to see Jason. <3 I had a great time. I'll post some pictures here or just link to my facebook album. I'm already missing him terribly again. But he will be coming up to visit over Thanksgiving, so I at least know when I'll see him next.

AND, I'm getting ready for JemCon at the end of this month - YAY TIME WITH LAURA AND DARCY! (Hey you two, I was thinking since some of you have voiced interest in wanting to watch series that we each have, maybe we could do a marathon or even a DVD swap, I have a link that has all of the series I actually own on DVD, I'll post that soon).
AND getting ready for Youmacon! I'll be the faux holder of the title of Department Head of Gameshows. Haha. I will be hosting Anime Name that Tune and Otaku Family Feud, so everyone come and visit! I'm not as entertaining or funny as Corey, but I'm going to try! I will also be helping run Bekki's Artist Alley table, which will have my stuff at it too! (As well as Shei's). So I'm not sure what costumes I'll be able to make for the con. @.@ Lately charms and unemployment and applying for jobs have had me pretty busy. SO MUCH STUFF TO DO.

I have an "interview" with Hobby Lobby today at 2:30 p.m. Who knows. Okay! Got to go! LATA.

boyfriend, youmacon, jemcon, job, charms, etsy, vacation, georgia

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