Mar 09, 2010 04:44
I'm getting plot-bunnies!
This is EPICally good for me. I haven't been getting plot-bunnies accompanied with that urge to write about them for a while now. The ones I do try to write don't last very long and I end up putting them back on the shelf. Even plots I have half written out or set-up haven't been getting any production time outside of my ever-forgetful head. So the fact that I'm writing now is amazing.
Even if it's the sequel to a fic I've been thinking up for the last year or so....
Well, it's got Torchwood in it, so I guess that counts for something, huh? :D
Bet you'll never guess the crossover! XP
fic: plot-bunny,
tv: torchwood,
fic: writing