But we cantaloupe!

Aug 08, 2009 23:01

Going to the grocery store in Japan can often be a harrowing experience for this gaijin. When I first came here as a student, I was completely overwhelmed by what I found (and couldn't find). Not only was I unfamiliar with pretty much everything I saw, but it was also the first time I was expected to cook for myself. As my stay lengthened, I became more familiar with Japanese food stuff, but the thing that continually shocks me still to this day is the price of produce. Let's take a quick look around my friendly neighborhood grocery store, shall we?

My goodness, those peaches sure smell good. Let's see...

...wow. Three for $10... maybe I'll check out the grapes instead. They sure look nice!

Huh. $8 for a bunch, you say? Nevermind. How about those teeny little Japanese watermelons? Those can't possibly be too expensive...

Uh... >_> Did I say watermelon? I mean cantaloupe!!!

Cante...lo... damn. That'd better be real gold-leaf on the sticker. :<

In the end I settled for 1/8th of a watermelon... for $4.
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