|It's A Perfectly Cromulent Word|

Mar 10, 2010 07:28

[click to embiggen]

an old drawing and a sister piece to this. a comment was left a few entries back in regards to me possibly ditching my more cartoony style, and while i'm pushing towards giving my work a touch more realism, i still love to draw these types of things =) i gotta work more on posing as well as anatomy.

also, i've been enjoying the drawings some of you have posted featuring more than one character interacting with one another! this is another thing i often shy away from, with the exception of my old darkstalkers piece which is probably the only big group drawing i've ever done. i'm going to try and push myself a bit more towards that, as this drawing here is definitely still in my major comfort zone. still, i can't help but love scantily clad demon gals ♥


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