FIC: Captain - Kirk/Spock (Reboot) - G

Jul 22, 2009 06:56

Oh my god. I'm posting a story here that's NOT related to 'Lord of the Rings' or the LOTR actors. My LJ may just implode.

Title: Captain
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: G

Author's notes. First off, my deep thanks as always go to my dearest abandonada for her amazing editing and beta skills. Second, I'm also very grateful to zenslash for encouraging me to write and post this little story. She is actually the same person who encouraged me to write my first Sean and Elijah story... so all subsequent happenings are TOTALLY HER FAULT!

Kirk and Spock were one of my first OTP's. I wrote them back in the ancient history of my life when I thought I was the only woman alive who liked slash. This story is a re-visit to a world that is and has always been very dear to my heart.

Disclaimer: Written with love and all respect. Characters not mine... only borrowed.

- Captain -

“What did he tell you?”

“Did you not meld with him? Surely that would have given you insights that I…”

“I don’t want to think about that right now,” Kirk answered quickly, glancing away. “Just answer the damned question, Spock.”

“He told me many things. But perhaps you would be most interested to hear that you are... or perhaps more accurately you will be a great man.”

Kirk snorted derisively. “Told me the same thing. I didn't buy it. Did you?”

“I believe you have greatness within you, Captain. Does that indicate that I...” Spock paused dramatically. “… bought it?”

Kirk ignored the question. "And what about you, Spock? Did he tell you that you're a great man too?

“Do you mean to ask, Captain, if I will be a great man?”

Clearly annoyed, Kirk glanced at him with quickly narrowing eyes.

Spock nodded. “Ah. I see that you do.” For a moment he seemed to consider the question, then he spoke in a low voice. "He told me that my life would be defined by my friendship with you.... Captain."

Kirk’s eyes widened and he flinched as images and feelings from his meld with the older Spock jolted his mind like flashes of white hot lightning. He still didn’t understand the kaleidoscope of images he had seen then… the tidal wave of emotions that he had felt. Processing it was painful. Wrenching. He could only deal with bits and pieces. Approaching them slowly, letting them float through his mind like memories of a far off time. And yet, not memories. Things that could be… would be.

And now Spock stood before him speaking in the voice that wove its way through all those memories like a beloved piece of music. It was just one word. How could one word become a melody that awakened so many of those memories? So many of those conflicting emotions? One word that played and replayed itself in his mind, awakening yet another voice which floated through his mind in counterpoint to the melody, blending and harmonizing. "’Captain.’ Even when he doesn't say it, he does.”


Normally when Spock addressed him thus his tone reflected only the faintly bored monotone of required military courtesy. It even, on occasion, seemed ever-so-subtly mocking. Nothing more. Never anything more.

But not this time.

And Kirk was suddenly… touchingly… reminded of a time long ago when his mother had spoken of his father in tones of love and longing and with tears in her eyes had slipped and called him ‘Jimmy’.
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