Weight Watcher stuff.... and Happy Froday!!

Sep 05, 2008 12:35

You haven't heard me mention my weight lately.... and there's a reason for that. I haven't been to Weight Watcher's in ages and I just KNEW I had put some of the pounds back on. I have to tell you, I was scared to get on the scale. I wasn't sure WHAT I'd see! I knew I'd been eating reasonably healthy, but I also knew I'd been overdoing. It has been a year since I've really kept track. My clothes still seemed to fit pretty well, but I just didn't FEEL right, you know?

So.. ok. Today I did it. I signed back up with Weight Watchers and went straight there to weigh in. I've gained 10 lbs. So, ok. Could have been worse.

There's where I'm at. I still want to lose another 35, which will put me at my goal. I REALLY want to do this, and I'm going to get back on track with watching my points and getting my walking in. I've slipped, no doubt about it. But I think I can still achieve the goal I set for myself. Wish me luck.

I've added some amazing new images to the Sean at Dragon*Con gallery SO generously donated by my dearest cara_chapel and my new, very sweet friend spazzbot. I thank both these dear ladies from the bottom of my heart.

The gallery is here... please do go take a look at these amazing images.

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