Did you know and do you care???

Jul 07, 2003 19:39

.. that because I'm an ardent Sean supporter I believe that he's going to one day leave his wife and two daughters for Elijah? Yep.. they said so right on DLR and you KNOW whatever's said there is the absolute truth.

They call me a nazi because I stick up for Sean. Because I believe that they do terrible wrong to spout their squalid accusations.. and not just about Sean. About Dom and Elijah too. They make them out to be cheap, spineless, little wussy boys who would diss someone they deeply love simply to make a buck.

I believe that when you see terrible wrong being done and you don't speak out.. you are agreeing with it. Silence implies consent.

I do not, not, NOT believe that Sean Astin is going to leave his wife and children for Elijah. Nor would I want him to. Such a thing would break his heart. And I would never want that to happen. I love Sean Astin. Not pesonally, of course, because I don't know him. But I love what he SEEMS to be. I love what he SEEMS to stand for. I love his talent and his love of home, and family, and friends. I love the genuineness and his kindness that has been reported to me as genuine by everyone who has ever met and spent time with him, including my beloved tel. I would never treat him disrespectfully. I would never approach him except at a time which invites this. I would never profess to know anything about him as absolute truth.

I love Elijah Wood too. Here's a young actor who supports his whole family. Who has said time and time again .. and demonstrated in his actions time and time again.. that his privacy and private life are sacrosanct. I would NEVER speak out publically that he was part of a gay couple.. even if it were true. Why? Because it disrespects Elijah. It disrespects the things he holds sacred. It could damage his ability to support his family.. a thing he obviously cares about. I love Elijah... or what I know of Elijah. So I would never disrespect him in such a manner. SUPPORT THE GUYS?? What the hell does that MEAN to some people? Violate their most sacred human dignities? Threaten the ones they love most with financial hardship?

Support the guys, huh. The tinhats don't know the meaning of that phrase. Or the meaning of the word respect. And if you don't believe me, look behind the cut. But.....

They'd be surprised to know what I find most offensive about them. Is it their ridiculous claims about Dom and Elijah that have absolutely no baiss in fact? No. I think they're a bunch of horse's asses, but it doesn't offend me. Is it their endless attackes on Sean, once again.. absolutely NO basis in fact. Nope. That's not what offends me the most either. It's cheap and disgusting, but it doesn't offend me the most.

What I find most offensive about these people is their absolute lack of class. They launched a totally uncalled for attack on Bit of Earth and on the two people who work hard to run it well. Why? To get to me because I support Sean. Because I speak out when they say scurrilous things about him with nothing.. and I mean NOTHING.. to substantiate one word of it. Because of this.. they call me a nazi and launch an attack on one of the most highly respected websites in the fandom, AND on two people who they don't know and who have nothing to do with what is happening on DLR or on DL_anon.

They bring up situations from the past that have no bearing whatsoever on current circumstances. Issues that are long over with and better off forgotten so that people can heal and move on. But, no. The tinhats beat it like a cheap drum just to get a rise. Just to get a little attention.

Orangeblossom and Mr. Frodo run Bit of Earth with a policy that demonstrates absolute respect for the Lord of the Rings actors. Not just Sean Astin, though he certainly is deeply loved there. ALL the actors are treated with respect. They work night and day to develop projects that will leave a legacy of GOOD in this fandom. Can ANY of the tinhats make that claim? No. They cannot.

So you call me a nazi. And you bash on people who have no part in this situation and who have been, time and time again without fail, kind, generous, and welcoming to me. Because we support Sean Astin and won't stand by and hear you launch your reprehensible attacks against him without speaking out so the world can know that you do this without one iota of proof. Without one scrap of valid evidence. With NOTHING except the blatherings of insiders who have all been found to be fraudulent and the feverish delusion of your own minds.

But, I'll tell you what. If you can come up with so much as ONE scrap of proof for ANY of your despicable allegations about Sean.. I'll apologize to you publically. ALL of you, including your leader.

He betrayed his friends. Elijah hates him. He's an alcoholic, homophobe, political animal who needs to be medicated and be in therapy. He supports the PR machine. He sexually assulted Elijah Wood. He has been physically abusive to him. He fought with Eljah and Dom at the New York premiere. He tells lies because he doesn't want the world to know about the big gay love. I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten.. oh, YES..

MsA's latest diatribe about Sean.

Well, given some of the truly rancid shit said about him there, I can't blame him, really. It still irks me how people took legitimate discussion and concern about the issues around him and spun it way out of control. If what we've heard is true, then yes, he's done some pretty icky things. But that whole making him out to be the big bad guy stuff is pointless. He's just as much a victim of the game as anyone else, he's just playing it more readily, probably because he just doesn't see any other way that doesn't have Certain Disaster (tm) at the end of it. Fear makes people do fucked-up things.

Well, given some of the truly rancid shit said about him there, I can't blame him, really.

What 'truly rancid shit' was said about him? Where was it said? Who said it? Quotes, please. Evidence, please. Don't just spout vague, meaningless crap like this without clarifying what the hell you're yammering about.

It still irks me how people took legitimate discussion and concern about the issues around him and spun it way out of control.

What legitimate concerns were these? Who reported them? What validation did you receive for these reports? What issues are you referring to? Spell them out, please. Evidence that these issues exist, please. Who spun them out of control? In what way? And if they did.. why didn't you stop it! Both DL/PP and DLR were and are YOUR BITCH start to finish. You jump hard enough on anyone who doubts the big gay love. Where was all your clout then?

If what we've heard is true, then yes, he's done some pretty icky things.

What have you heard? Who told you? Validation? Quotes, please, What 'icky' things has Sean done? Spell it out, please. Spewing slimey inuendo is a dirty, filthy thing to do. It's cowardly and ugly. Right up your ally, huh?

But that whole making him out to be the big bad guy stuff is pointless.

Pretty hypocritical statement here, since YOU were the one who proclaimed him the big bad guy time and time again! I still have your quotes from DL/PP that do so, MsA. Would you like me to refresh your memory? Why are you backpedaling now?

He's just as much a victim of the game as anyone else, he's just playing it more readily, probably because he just doesn't see any other way that doesn't have Certain Disaster (tm) at the end of it.

And you know this because..... you spoke with him? You spoke to anyone who knows him? How do YOU know how he 'plays' anything... or even if he DOES play anything? You don't! How DARE you suggest that you have any IDEA how this man thinks or what he does! No one on the planet is LESS likely to understand a man like Sean Astin than you, MsA. He's a decent human being. That makes him beyond your mental capabilities. And you have NO insight into his behaviors or actions. Once again, you're spewing fantasies. Where's your proof? Where's the evidence? Substantiate this.

Fear makes people do fucked-up things.

What 'fucked up' thing has Sean done? And how do YOU know he did it? Who told you? Evidence, please. Something other than your big mouth going off, please.

One word of proof of ANY of this! One scrap. And I'll publically apololgize to all of you, starting with Allegro. Oh.. one small thing though. Psychic impressions and images do not count as proof.

So bring it on! The leader of the 'Astin Nazi's' will humble herself before you if you can come up with even a scrap of substantitation for any of this garbage. Send it to rakshi@diversesouls.com. I'll be waiting.

But not holding my breath.

Oh, and one last thing. Lay off Bit of Earth, Orangeblossom, and Mr Frodo. You don't have half their class. You only wish you did.
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