Day 15!

Nov 30, 2013 08:13

Who would be your best friends at Middle Earth? (Three only).

Well, I know who I'd want as best friends, but I can't say for sure that they'd want ME. I'm one of the 'big people' and they think of us... somewhat justifiably so I might add, as just big and rather stupid.

I'd like Frodo to be my best friend, though I know I'd never be his BFF because he has such an excellent best friend already. But his gentleness, his kindness, his strength of character and strength of will are qualities I admire. Being around this sweet gentle-Hobbit would be a most wonderful experience.

Of course I'd also want Sam to be my best friend. Who wouldn't want a best friend like him? Whole books have been written talking about his loyalty, his love, his enduring strength and unfailing hope. He's someone you know would be there for you through good times and bad. He's someone you could count on, though the same could be said for Frodo. I'd like to garden with Sam. I'd like to watch him plant and tend his garden so I could learn from him, but mostly so I could see and hear how he interacts with the plants that he loves. To me, that would be a glorious experience. I'd also like to watch him cook... cook for Frodo I mean. I'd like to see the kind of care he put into preparing Frodo's meals. To me.. that would be awe inspiring.

Lastly I think I'd want Pippin to be my best friend. (Can one have THREE best friends?) Anyway... I would have liked to spend time with Pippin. His humor, his innocence and unfailing eagerness to experience all that life has to offer appeals to me. It would be fun to watch him learn and grow. He became so much more than just the young Hobbit he started out as when they left the Shire. His journey is one that I've always found to be so very moving. He leaves his innocence behind as he faces all the experiences of the quest, but grows into a truly amazing wisdom in the course of that journey.

Well that's my pick for three best friends... though I say again that a person can't have three BEST anything. You get only one. And I'm very lucky to have a great one in Cathy.

Day 1: How did you discover LOTR? Tell us about it.
Day 2: Your favorite movie? and book?
Day 3: Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book?
Day 4: Who is your least and your most favorite female character and why?
Day 5: Who is your least and your most favorite male character and why?
Day 6: Where would you live in Middle Earth?
Day 7: Favorite poetry?
Day 8: What is your favorite people (hobbits, orcs, elves, ents, men, dwaves, etc)?
Day 9: Favorite song from the LOTR OST?
Day 10: Lothlorién or Rivendell?
Day 11: What character would you say you are most like? And what character you wish you were most like?
Day 12: First, Second, Third Era or (even) fourth era and why?
Day 13: Least favorite movie? And book?
Day 14: Team Mordor or Team “all free peoples of Middle Earth”?
Day 15: Who would be your best friends at Middle Earth? (Three only).
Day 16: Favorite hobbit?
Day 17: Are you excited about “The Hobbit” movie or scared it won’t do the book justice?
Day 18: Ever dressed up as one of LOTR characters? Tell us about it.
Day 19: Do you prefer the books or films?
Day 20: If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be?
Day 21: Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be?
Day 22: Scariest scene?
Day 23: Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry?
Day 24: Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t?
Day 25: For you what was the worst part of the Ring-Bearer journey to destroy the one ring?
Day 26: If you could spend one day of your life in Middle Earth, where would you go? What would you do? To whom would you speak to?
Day 27: Would you rather own Narya, Nenya or Vilya?
Day 28: Apart from LOTR, what’s your favorite book?
Day 29: Did you enjoy the Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack?
Day 30: What effect has The Lord Of The Rings made on your life and how much does it mean to you?

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment there or here. Makes no difference to me. Happy Days!!

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