Hmm... Day Seven

Oct 09, 2013 05:57

Pet Hates, huh. When I first read this I actually thought they wanted me to discuss things about pets that I hated. I had a long list. ;)

Hate is a pretty strong word. I'm not sure I legitimately 'hate' much of anything or anyone. But things that annoy the fuck out of me? Fine.

  1. Right now? Congress would have to head my list. I discovered the other day while watching a National Geographic special on Arlington that I really am something of a patriot. I honestly love my country. But all that does is make it that much harder to watch it being run by right-wing radicals and 1 per-centers who, seemingly, have no clue what actually makes this country worthwhile. Will McAvoy said it best: "It's ironic because the biggest enemy of the phony Republican isn't Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid or Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, it's this man (Jesus). He said, "Heal the sick, feed the hungry, care for the weakest among us, and always pray in private."
  2. Phony people is second. I may get on your nerves at times and have annoying habits and prejudices. But what you see is pretty much what you get. I don't smile and act all sweetness and light in public and reserve my Medusa face and attitude for when the spotlight's not on me. And believe me, social media is overflowing with folks like that. Some of them are fairly popular BNF's. I prefer annoying people over phony bullshit any day.
  3. Smugness and self righteousness. And I realize that I'm guilty of these things myself at times. In my own defense I am, at least, aware of it and try to control it. But smug, self righteous people make me want to spit nails.
  4. Cruelty and bullying. Period. If I had an actual hate that would be it.

It didn't say how many of these I had to do so I'm gonna stop right here. It's too early in the morning to be wallowing in the negative. And I have to say that of all the questions on this list, this is the one I dislike the most. I liked it better when I thought I was being asked to tell you what I hated about pets.

1. Introduction and recent photo
2. 20 facts about you
3. Your favorite quote
4. What are you afraid of?
5. 10 songs you love right now
6. Your 5 senses right now
7. Your pet hates
8. What's in your handbag?
9. What are your worst habits?
10. What's your best physical feature?
11. List 15 of your favorite things
12. What's inside your fridge?
13. What is your earliest memory?
14. If you won the lottery...
15. Timeline of your day
16. What's at the top of your bucket list?
17. What is your most proud moment?
18. The meaning behind your blog name
19. What do you collect?
20. A difficult time in your life
21. Your 10 favorite foods
22. The best thing to happen this year
23. Your dream job
24. Your favorite childhood book
25. Your 5 favorite blogs
26. An old photo of you
27. Post your favorite recipe
28. What are you looking forward to?
29. Where have you travelled?
30. What's in your makeup bag?
31. Why do you blog?

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment there or here. Makes no difference to me. Happy Days!!

30 days of posting

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