Woodday and other things......

Sep 11, 2013 08:40

Coming 'down' from our Alaska trip is a rather sad experience. I really do miss that ship and the great time we had on it. But... it's also true that one can't LIVE like that. The fact that we couldn't afford it aside, it wouldn't be special after awhile. It'd just be... routine. And that glory of a trip like that is that it's not routine.

BUT... to cheer us up we've decided to take a road trip over Columbus Day to Port Angeles, one of our VERY favorite spots. We'll do some walks (Cathy more than me) in various spots around there, which are ALL part of the exquisitely beautiful Olympic Peninsula, and hopefully make it to Flannery Bay, the Northwest most point in the continental USA and reportedly one of the most beautiful. I can't wait to see those beaches and hope to have some great pictures when we get back.

Things settling back into routine at home. Bri is doing great at his job. He loves it and is very much loved by his boss and fellow employees. He's the 'head' host now and his boss has said that she'd like to make him an assistant manager after a bit more time passes. We disagree on things now and then... which is bound to happen ANYTIME you live with another human being. But Bri is such a great kid, and it's not like we haven't lived together before. He spent 80% of his childhood under my roof. So he knows me and knows how to get along with me. He's such a loving boy. I'm lucky to have him.

His MOTHER, on the other hand. *sigh* I found another account that she had put in my name. An AT&T account. I called them and had it removed from my name. And I swear if I find one more of these I'm going to press charges against her. I don't want to do that, but enough is enough. It is a very sad situation for me and I try not to think about it too much, since there's not much I can do about it short of sending her to jail.

Made a trip to my doctor last week for my annual checkup. He is nothing short of thrilled by my weight loss and the subsequent significant drop in my blood pressure my top number was pushing 150 a few months ago, and now it's 120 over.. something... 99 I think. Anyway, he pronounced it perfect! He said he only needs to see me once a year unless something comes up. Makes me feel good. I'm going to be 70 in February, so in a way I'm living on borrowed time from this point on. I'd like to spend the rest of my life able to do the things I love. Travel, walking, seeing the world, enjoying the beautiful place where I live, seeing Brian's life get better and better ... and of course going to great CONS as often as I can to feed my fandom loving self! Hopefully I'll be able to do that. But it's been made abundantly clear to me that keeping the extra weight off is a VERY important part of that equation. EVERY time the weight goes up, so does the cholesterol and blood pressure, which damages my heart. I HAVE to be aware of my weight and the amount of exercise I do. My life, literally, depends on it. But for now... all is well.

It's Fall in Seattle, which is one of the most lovely times of year here. Living in a rain forest makes for some really pretty Autumns. It's cool and sunny and the leaves are just starting to change. It should be glorious by the time we go to Port Angeles in October. I can't wait. I love our road trips. I think we both do.

Frodo and Bilbo's birthday is coming up and I'd like to write something for it. Think I'll take a look at my Sam and Frodo prompt table I signed up for AGES ago and see if I can find a good prompt or two for the occasion.

OK, enough rambling. On to Woodday!!!

And to cheer us up on what is, understandably, a very somber day, I offer a few images of something beautiful and guarenteed to lift your heart... the incomparable Elijah Wood. These are in various sizes and at various times.

This entry was originally posted at http://rakshi.dreamwidth.org/1244529.html. Feel free to comment there or here. Makes no difference to me. Happy Days!!
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