(no subject)

Sep 27, 2020 04:58

I survived the first six months of the current pandemic; with no illness, just inconvenience.

I have relaxed some of my concerns; though I still have the bulk of my groceries delivered, I do go in to some grocery stores before 7 a.m. (it's less crowded, so there's presumably less risk of infection), wearing a mask like everyone else there and doing my best to social distance. I do that about 2-3 times a month.

I did not take my usual week in Vermont (have a timeshare there); it just seemed to risky both to me and my oncologist; so I sent a friend there in my place; she had a great time with her son and grandson.

My dog and I are both well. Can't believe he's 13.5 years old; I still remember the puppy I could hold in one arm.

My most recent CT-scan revealed further progress with my tiny unwanted guests (the tumors, metastatic breast cancer) - a few have gone, another few have shrunk, one is unchanged but small). Hopefully there will come a point when the chemo can cease - it is utterly painless (Ibrance, pills) but it has lowered my immunity - and I can go out and mingle with the world a bit more. Right now, I take walks every other week with a friend; and I see several acquaintances at the dog park 4-7 days a week.

I hope everyone is staying and managing to enjoy at least some aspects of their lives during this trying time. The situation could be much worse, and I live in hope that it will eventually (2 or 3 years, maybe?) be better.
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