Sep 12, 2005 23:46
so today a kid got thrown out of ASL for talking during class. we played games. drew coloured shapes. and we have a test tomorrow.
i also had flamenco. it was *so much fun.* i <3 it. everybody was jealous of my shoes and skirt. >=D but that's really just because i went out and bought flamenco gear and nobody else did. although it irritated me b/c after class, i was telling this one girl where to buy the skirt and shoes because she wanted them. and this older lady in the class was like "don't bother getting the real things. it's not like you're a professional. buy them if you start performing." and the poor girl was like "but i want them..." so i jumped in and was like, my flamenco shoes were less than the character shoes, and your $30 character shoes are not of great quality and yes, i *do* know what i'm talking about because i've danced all my life and thus am well acquainted with capezio. whatever. i think she annoys reyna too. and there were a lot of 'was like's in that paragraph, for which i am extremely sorry.
and! in the class is a woman from madrid. who grew up flamenco-ing, so she's really good. but she's in the states teaching portraits. like, painting. which i think is really cool. plus, she's very sweet.