Dir en grey 11/29/08

Dec 09, 2008 00:21

A week late but here is my live repot on Dir en grey at the Wiltern in Los Angeles

Camping out

Me and my brother(Arthur) got to the Wiltern on Thursday night. My friend Thali was there since like 12 or something in the afternoon. I was informed that no one was allowed to line up in front of the venue until 8am on Saturday, so everyone was lining up next to the subway across the street. There was only 5 guys allowed to line up at the venue but that because they picked up a rail that fell or something, they were really cool. Everyone called them "The 5". We set up our sleeping bags, got our numbers (which was 17) and started talking to 2 of the awesomest girls ever, Anna and Dea. We talked for a while and we had alot of things in common. There was alot of weird people that come near everyone waiting in line, like "The Mayor of Wilshire" who was trying to give us weed. Then there was this other guy who came and asked if he could wait with us. I forgot at what time exactly this guy came up to us and told us that this gang called MS13 was going to come and shot us all because we were on their turf. Eveyone got worried and everyone agreed to go home and come back at 6'oclock the next day. Since me, Thali and Arthur didn't have a place to go, one of the girl that was waiting in line said we could go to their hotel. I never got her name but thank you again. ^^ Everyone ended up waking up because one of the five said someone came and said didn't want to leave and that she was #1 in line or w/e. Everyone left for the hotel in angry mob form went over to the wiltern and settled things. We ended up lining up across the street were the Coffee Bean was at. blah blah blah they moved us across the street next to the Ralphs parking lot blah blah blah my friend Gaby joins us. blah blah blah we move to the other side of the Wiltern across the street and stayed there until Saturday morning. I dunno this chicks name but she drew the cutest and funniest drawings EVA!!!! *edit * She didn't draw them but she was still adorable.

I was exhausted friday night, and this guy with some pikachu vest thingy started to play the guitar, it was really funny at first because he was singing Mulan and stuff but then I got annoyed becuase I couldent go to sleep. I drifted to sleep and when I woke up i found out that the bus had already came. Not that exiting because its just a fucking bus but  dunno how i sleep through the cheering.=\. We moved to the front of the Wiltern and they cut the line somewhat so I ended up being like # 12 or something, I forgot. Me and Thali were feeling pretty damn dirty around this time, and then my heros Dea and Anna invited us to their house to shower and stuff. Did I mention how much I love them? Dea showed me her book collection which I adore and recommended a couple. ^^ We went back to the line like 2 hours later and waited till doors opened.

Doors open and inside the venue

There was little to no line drama at the front but like about 1 hour before doors opened it was like we were in Satan's Asshole. First they say live nation gets in first, so everyone with line nation lines up on the other side. Then they said only Fastpass(or soemthing like that) Livenation tickets get in first. So when this happens the line becomes a big mess and everyone's pissed off becuase no one knows what the fuck is going on.Things finally get settled and I ended up being like number 9 in the regular line. Doors opened and the people with the special Livenation tickets go in first, but it was only like 20 people. Then it was the regular line. Me and Thali went in with my brother and Gaby somewhere behind us.We got in the pit and we really wanted to be in front of kyo but there was already 2 rows there so we decided to go on Die's side. There was room between this one girl and this guy on the rail. The girl couldent move anymore but they guy had plenty of space to move. So i asked him if he could move a bit so i could get in and he said no. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!! GO DIE IN A FUCKING FIRE!!. Then Gaby came like 20 seconds later and asked if she could get in and he let her. FUCK YOU TWICE ASSHOLE!!!  w/e I was next to Thali second row in front of Die. There was some screen in front of the stage were you could send a text and it would appear on the screen. Alot of them were really funny but some were annoying like the bannanas in pajamas one.

Opening band

The opening band was The Human Abstract. I've never listened to them before but they were pretty good. I love the guitarist dread locks and he sure put on a good show. Theres not much more I can say about them since I don't listen to them.

The show

Heres the set list

Sa Bir
Agitated Screams of Maggots
Disabled Complexes
The Fatal Believer
Ryoujoku no ame

Agitated Screams of Maggots -unplugged-

Conceived Sorrow
Glass Skin
The Final

Kyo's Acapella

audience KILLER LOOP
Dozing Green
Merciless Cult
Repitition of Hatred


Gaika, chinmoku ga nemuru koro
Clever Sleazoid
The IIID Empire

If i  made a mistake on the setlist feel free to correct me. ^^

So it starts off with Sa Bir. As expected it got a little pushy but buy the 4th song there was no pushing near me. Except there was this one guy next to me who seemed to be tripping hard on some kind of drug.  I couldent see Kaoru at all  but i had a good veiw of Kyo and Toshiya. I had a very good view of Shinya and of course Die. Next song Obscure. This song is so damn awesome live. I fucking love it! Next Greif. It was awesome how after the second chorus of this song, where Kyo is suppose to make a kind of "woo woo" noise everyone automatically put their hands toghether and started clapping before he even started clapping.The crowd also sang along when Kyo sang "Fuck off" but I think everyone was saying "Fuck you". Everyone also sang the lyrics "shut up! Thats fucking bullshit". Agitated Screams of Maggots. Hardcore headbanging. I loved it when everyone sang along to " I'll rape your daughter on your grave". Disabled Complexes. Kyo knows how to dance. The Fatal Beliver. Awesome! Toguro. OMG This made my fucking night. It's my favorite song off the new album. Im still amazed they played it. Ryoujoku no ame. I was totally singing along to this song. Agitated Screams of Maggots -unplugged-. This was so damn beautiful. Kyo has the most amazing voice. Of course the fangirls had to ruin it though like they ruin every fucking ting. I still enjoyed it though. Conceived Sorrow. I think during the end of this song Kyo sang without a mic. It was amazing. His voice is very haunting and its like burned into my memory. Glass Skin. I didn't think they were going to play this song. I sang along to this one( and many others) too. The Final. This song is anotehr awesome live song. Kyo's Acapella. Beautiful as always. Words can't really describe it.(lame!) Hydra-666-. It was fun screaming out 6-6-6. audience KILLER LOOP. OMFG. I never thought they would have played this song. I was damn shocked. It was awesome! Holy shit, Dozing Green. Another song I didn't expect to hear. Merciless Cult. I fucking love this song and was so happy to hear it live. Repitition of Hatred.  Screaming along to "Parasite, Children of Hatred- I hate you - Dead Passion" Is always fun. I was too absorbed in the music I didn't even notice most of the band lst except for Die who was the last to leave.


Whle everyone was cheering for an encore I asked my brother to go buy me 3 Uroboros albums and 2 shirts. He came back and 1 minute later the band came back out. Kodou. OMG I did not expect this song either. It was so great hearing this song live. Gaika, chinmoku ga nemuru koro. The headbanging in tis song messed up my neck badly, but it was fun. Saku. Holy Fucking Shit Batman! This song made my night the second time. Head banging and singing along to this was indeed awesome! Clever Sleazoid Another great live song! After Cleaver Sleazoid Kyo started to scream "last song". OMG its almost over. =,( As expected The IIID Empire. starts. This song was a fucking insane. Everyone was screaming KOKKAHANEIKOKKAHANEIKOKKA at the top of their lungs.  and after SPARK AND SPARK the headbangig was crazy. It was crazy throughout the whole show though. After the song ended the band started throwing out their stuff, and thats where hell broke loose. There was like 5 people wrestling for picks and then another froup wrestling for another pick. SOme chick even got knocked the fuck out for apperantly one of Shinya's drum heads. Jesus christ people.

Meeting Shinya and Die

So we leave the floor and we see a cluster fuck of people. So hey theres the line. As we are waiting in line I notice this girl next to me caught one of the drum heads Shinya threw out. I asked her if I could see its and she clutches it closer to her chest shakes her head. Then Im like "Im not gonna steal it"  Can you at least tell me what it says on it. She barely opens it and i couldent even see what it says, and she continues to clutch it as if im gonna take it and run. Stupid bitch. The line whent buy pretty fast. It was actually pretty damn boring, meeting Die and Shinya, but Im happy i meet them. They both signed my CD and then I left.

So thats the end of it. Sorry for it being late, for the typos and bad grammer and please excuse my french. Heres are some pictures to make it up.





Sorry I coulden't get a good Kaoru picture

live report, picture, concert, dir en grey

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