Because I'm bored xDDD

Apr 25, 2009 21:08

I'm bored and this way you will know more about me xDDD

Phrase you would want to confess to a boy: You're my KitaMitsu xDD

Charm point ?: My eyes.They're blue and I love them xDDD

One/Two word to describe your personality: childish and shy.

Dominant hand , dominant foot: Hand: Right. My left hand is stupid xD. Foot.... I think right XD

Eyesight: Good, I only have to use glasses because my head hurt if I'm too long with the PC .

Weakness: My weakness have a name..... Kitayama Hiromitsu!! xDD I can't think in anyone or anything but him!! >_<

Your little pride: Hum...... maybe my Kisumai collection??? xDDD Or that I know more of Juniors than most of the people

Health problems: Nothing.

What do you wear to sleep?: pajamas.

Your pose when sleeping?: fetal position xD.

How long do you bath?: Over an hour xD I love to take baths xD.

Where do you wash first?: Hair!.

What is your best mimic impression?: Sho's voice xDDD (Alice Nine) or Subaru's shout in Kanfuu Fighting xD

Favorite place to shop: Takeshita Dori and Teramachi!!! xDDDD.

Most expensive thing you ever bought: My precious boots that I bought in Japan *O*

What you can apologize now.: I think I don't have anything to apologize for.... o.o

Favorite fashion item.: hats!! Love them~.

Hair cut you want to try: I made to days ago! i cut my loooooong hair. Now it's so short!!! But I like it!

What are you into?: finding a job!!! I want money to go back to Japan!!!

Favorite phrase: Now is "Now I don't want this to happend to you! I like your shoes!" xDDD form a fanfic TottsuxKitayama that a read few days ago xD

Favorite song: Since I heard Smile I can't think in another, It's just soooo beautiful *_*

Favorite movie: Moulin Rouge!!!!!!!! *O*

Favorite book: I don't read so much but..... Memories of a Geisha.

Favorite manga: Fushigi Yuugi!!!.

Favorite TV show: The Shounen Club and Cuarto Milenio xDDD.

Favorite food: Sushi!!!!

Least favorite food: ... greenpeas >.<

Favorite emoticon: "xD" and "¬¬"

What are you afraid of most?: Of fire, and be alone.

What did you cry about recently?: Hum.......I don't know, maybe..... I fought with my little sister. She's a devil.

What did you laugh about recently?: NEWS on Music Station performance xDDDDD

What were you happy about recently?: My mon came back from the hospital yesterday!

What were you angered about recently?: A boy that confessed to me and tomorrow I have to say  him what I think >.<

What did you dream about recently?: The last dream I remember is.... when I dreamed that Taipi was one of my shichi seishi and I was the miko of byakko, and he told me that he was going to protect me xDDDD.

When did you recently JUMP?: Maybe today dancing weeeek xDDDDD

When did you recently CAMP? : A year ago! In "San Juan".

Favorite type of boy? : Someone gentlemanlike, that take care of me, funny, likes to sleep as me, calm, romantic.....

Favorite haircut for a boy: Long hair.... but not too long, over the shoulders.

Favorite fashion for boys: Troursers and smoking, the look sooo good in smoking *O*

Ideal kiss situation: Suddenly xD

How would you want a boy to confess? : In person and with a rose or a white tiger peluche xDDD.

How would you want your boy to call you?: Hum..... by my name, or Rakiu xD.

How many times have you experienced confession: 5.

What would you not want a boy to do? : Smoke, cheat on me, drink.

What would you give a boy (presents)?: Food specially made for him or.... I don't know, It deppends what the boy likes! xD.

What phrase would make you happy if a boy says this to you: "I'll be always with you"

What would shock you? : .Hum.....that onw of my friends (girls) tell me that she likes me xDDDD

Your boyfriend is late. How long would you wait? : I'll call him. If he doesn't answer the phone I will send him a sms and go home and wait there for him.

When is your first love?: My best friend. About..... 6th grade in Primary School

Your proposal words? : I like you! But if you don't like me.... please, continues to be my friend >.<

When would you marry? : As soon as I can!! I want to marry and have a loooot of children!!!.

How many kids do you want? : To have a boy and then a girl would be perfect, but maybe I would have another boy xD

Anything you want to say to your feature husband?: Where are you?

What would you name your kids?: Yuto is one, the others..... I don't know.

What does your family call you by? : My name. Sometimes my mom makes a strange mix between mine and my brother/sister's name.... or she call me by my sister's name.... also Ra (like the egypcian good)

Your first ever memory that you remember.: The day we take my little sister to the kindergarden and I couldn't go.... they had a slide!!

What did you want to be when you were little?: I can't remember.....

A serious injury you ever experienced: None.

Lessons you took when you were little: Fiuuuu....... english, ballet, regional dance, theatre, guitar, choir, chess, photo, basketball, aerobic, funky......

Favorite place at school: The gym.

Favorite curriculum: Music!!

Least favorite curriculum: Maths

How do you spend your break time?: At school? We played basketball.

The longest phone conversation: this is crazy, but It's totally true xDD 7 hours and a half xD.

How many numbers are in your cell phone?: 106???!!!!!! i didn't know I have so many!!!! O.O

Where do you want to go?: back to Japan TOT

Most respectful person: My mom. He knows a lot.

Who do want to meet the most?: Kitayama Hiromitsu *O*

Most desired thing right now.: find a job to came back to Japan!!! >.<.

Most respectful senior: senior?? hum..... I don't have a senior xDDD

If you were to become the prime minister of Japan: I'll be happy because that means I live in Japan xD.

What would you do if you to become a boy? : I'll try to be a Johnny's Jr. xDDD

You won 3 billion yen from a lottery, what would you do? : Give some to my family and come back to Japan with my best friends!!!.

What would you want to be if you were reborn?: Hum..... Japanese??? xD.

Your house is on fire. What do you grab out? : my family! and all my JE things!!! >.<.

The last day of Earth. What would you do?: Tell the people I love that I love them and spend the day as everyday..

Who do you want from JE to be your boyfriend?: Of course..... I think you know the answer xDDD KitaMitsu~.

Who do you want from JE to be your older or little brother? : Older: Kamenashi Kazuya, Little: Nakajima Yuto.

What do you want to say to yourself in 10 years? I hope you're now living in Japan!!!!!.

A person who is sensitive (can’t stand) to heat or to cold? My body don't have temperature xDD But I don't like the heat.

Are you an impatient or patient person?: It deppends.

Are you an romantic or a realistic person? : Veeeeery romantic.

Your hobby right now: Find a job??? xDDDD My hobby is Kitayama Hiromitsu!!!!!!!!!!! .

First thing you do when you wake up is? : Run to my PC, go to the bathroom and check my mail and fandom.

How long does it take you to get out of the house from waking up in the morning?: 30 minutes.

Do you check the forecast before you leave? : nope~

What do you do in your room? : sleep, watch videos, watch TV, listen to music, sing, dance, eat..... I live in my room xD.

Are you a bathtub type or shower type? : Shower

What do you always do before you go to bed? : Go to the bathroom and tell to KitaMitsu's poster good night xDDDD.

How well do you sleep? Good or bad? : Very good, I can sleep anywhere xD.

Is your mood good or bad, when you wake up? : Good, b.

How long is your average sleep? : over......12 hours

How long have you slept for the longest? : one week xDDDD.

Are you type of person who shows their feeling by face? : No, I'm very good lying on this.

How do you get rid of stress? : stress??? what's that?? xDDD.

Is your room clean? : Hum........ now yes.... but.... just wait two days xDDD.

Do you have any wording habit? : Hum...I think I don't have any.

When is a moment when you think "I'm cool"? : Everyday, because I'm cool (H) xDDDDDDDDD.

When is a moment when you think “I’m not cool.. !?” : Never!!!!! You have to know you're the coolest in the world!!! This way you can be aaalways happy!!!!  ^O^
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