Thursday to Friday Morning

May 02, 2008 10:12

This morning found Tim and Mark having left to go surfing. Susan and Mary (who I’ve never met before and know zero about) took off to go shopping. I’ve had three hours to myself in the house and so far I’ve finished up an LJ post, called back about a job, and looked for alcohol.

My current thought is to drive down to Costco and pick up a case of something as well as get a hot dog there for lunch.

I was sort of meandering around the day. I chatted in IRC some, sort of gathering my thoughts, wondering if I really wanted to buy a case of beer and try to drink it all before I left.

Mark calls me and they’re done surfing so he was going to head back to the house and come with me to Costco. I call him back and suggest Killer Tacos as an alternative, which he likes the sound of.

I’d been texting Anne off and on during the morning and afternoon. She hadn’t been online at all, but I found out that she was taking a break, driving and taking pictures.

Mark and Tim got back and then we were all sort of just hanging out. I was doing something on the computer with my back to the door, and Anne sneaks up behind me and starts rubbing my shoulders. I think it’s Mark or Tim, so I’m sort of creeped out, but then I hear a woman’s voice say, “You weren’t going to Killer Tacos without me, were you?”

I turn around and it’s Anne, some 3000 miles away from where I expected her. To say that my brain took a few to adjust is an understatement. In that time I started in my chair, got up and gave her a big hug, and then another big hug. I was so surprised and happy to see her I was almost crying.

I showed her some of the pictures I’d taken on the trip with Mark the other day, and we were talking and stuff. Mark still wasn’t ready to go, so Anne google mapped Killer Tacos. The location didn’t look exactly right, but we didn’t know how to resolve that. I could tell that Tim and Mark were in a heated discussion and it was getting on Anne’s nerves. She really wanted to get out of there, so she told Mark he could meet us there, and we left.

Anne had rented a GPS to go with her on her travels and it seriously greets you and speaks to you for about a minute giving you little commercials for Hawaii and stuff. Each time you turn it on. It got into some strange mode where it thought we were out in the ocean, and we couldn’t scroll it since the car was in motion. Hello? Passengers can play with a GPS too!

We drive right by one of the Historical National Parks on the way to Killer Tacos. The food is as good as I remembered.

Afterwards, we drive to her rental to check it out. We just missed checkin time. (It’s between 9:30 am and 3 pm.) There were directions on where to park, and how to get in if you were late.

The rental is just amazing. It has two rooms, a kitchen, and a lanai that is directly over the pool and overlooks the south coast, complete with crashing waves and the occasional sea spray.

We enjoyed the views for a while, and then we took some quick naps. After that, we got up and went out for drinks at Lu Lu’s to have Lava Flows and other sweet tropical drinks. We watched the Sun try to set behind all of the Vog. We lost it somewhere just before the horizon.

We walked back to her place and she wanted to take some twilight shots of the views. You can see those on her journal. She processed her pics and did a post and I took another nap.

She dropped me off back at my Mom’s place and I had a several hour-long conversation with Mark about stuff. We talked about family, obligations, and a lot of the things I’ve been going through lately. He gave me a lot of things to think about.

He felt it was really rude of Anne to take off and I to go with her, leaving him behind, basically excluding him from the evening. I wasn’t sure where to go with the whole thing. It sort of ties into how he has a very strong sense of family and obligation to us, and I have almost none. I think I get that from my parents. I try, but it doesn’t always come out well.

In the last couple of years, Anne and her family have been better family to me, and I’ve felt closer to them, than my own. I don’t know what the disjoint is for that, how to try and transform my actual family relations into what they should be, or at least make them more like what I want them to be. I’m going to tell her some of the things Mark said to me. I’m not going to ask her to change her plans or do anything different, I just want to share some of his wisdom.

This morning, I was woken up by the Chickens crowing at 4:30 am. I went back to sleep, but I couldn’t set up my earplugs because I was waiting for a call from Anne to know when we were heading out. At 5:30 Mark and Susan got up to get ready for the fishing trip. Computer snafus made her almost decide to stay. I later heard that the boat had mechanical problems a few times and they didn’t even get out until about 9 am, on a different boat entirely.

Anne wants to check out the parks today, and being on a small boat for 9 hours with 7 family and 3 boat crew guys didn’t really appeal to me, so she and I are going to hit up the parks together.

hawaii, mark, anne

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