early morning, a lovely friday, crazy shoes

Sep 25, 2006 08:27

I don't like getting up before the sun comes up, but I do like to see the sun come up. Trade-off. It's up now; so'm I...I am usually woken up by lollyjoy bearing a wriggly but purring kitty. So that's good, too.

Last Friday was lovely. I had a happy day all day long, and the cherry on top (well, I need a better analogy since I don't like cherries on top)...the cocoa dusting of the day, then, was the wonderful news I got from Heather, upon which I will elaborate soon.

Before the news, I had a great time subbing in on first-year Swedish and teaching them about food and telling time. It was an enthusiastic and clever bunch. It's always fun to try to challenge one's TA by coming up with crazy things to ask how to say, but I fielded all requests (for "cantaloupes," "sandwiches," and "donuts," all crucial foods) valiantly.

Later on Friday, I discovered that YouTube's Sesame Street content has improved SO MUCH that they now have nearly everything I ever thought of. I should embed a couple of my favorites, but they have the peanut butter factory!!! And the crayon factory!!!! And the saxophone factory!!!! (I loved factories) And the psychedelic lost boy/green yo-yo man segment!!!!!!!! I was nearly overcome with giddy joy in my office.

On Saturday, the roomies and Scandos and I did the first annual Zoo Run Run (well, Natalie did the run, and the rest of us walked.) It was fun and it didn't even rain. It was the first time I had to wear a number on my front for race purposes (in 4-H I had to wear that stupid paper hat with my number on it for rabbit judging. I think we got front-numbers for the dog show, though.)

Yesterday I went shopping for teacher clothes. I discovered recently that I can wear kids' shoes (sad), and they do tend to be much less expensive, so my new plan is to ONLY buy kids shoes (until it's time to buy sexy lace-up pirate boots, anyway). So here's what I ended up with. I was going to post a picture but I can't find one online anywhere! Anyway, they are normal-shaped calf-height round-toed boots, but they have a pink stitching and a nifty band around the ankle that has little pink and silver studs and butterflies on it, and a pink metal heart-shaped clasp on the ankle. Rockin'! Of course, you can't see any of that when I'm wearing pants, so it looks like I'm wearing perfectly respectable adult footwear. Teacher clothes until I flash some ankle. ;)
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