May 12, 2006 10:46
Alright, so, I'm pretty sure that all of Booker T. Washington High School was aware that I wanted to be our valedvictorian. Then, Margaret Leigh transfered from IB. She passed me. Whatever, there was nothing I could do about it.
Then, at the end of the fall semester, Brian Bosso comes out of nowhere and passes me. Pretty mcuh the entire school knew how enraged I was.
Today, at that stupid senior breakfast/graduation practice, he comes up to me and asks me if I know if I am #2 or not. and I was like, uhhh, you passed me, remember? and he was like, yeah, but I made a B this semester (I did too, I just left that out). Well, Mrs. Boredelon said she wouldn't know anything until Monday. Brian then has the nerve to ask me if I will write his speech!!!!! I was like, uh, no, I'll give it for you if you'd like.
but I mean, seriously. Why did he put forth the effort to pass me if he didn't want to give the speech. No college cares if you are ranked #3 or #2. I wanted the speech. I wanted the recognition. THEY CUT OUT MY SPEECH b/c of time. So, I pretty mcuh get jack shit for being ranked #3 in the class.
Before this, I see mrs. howey walk in with cords. The only thing mrs. howey does other than teach is coach. so I wa slike, WTF?! since when do they award cheerleading cords? She gave them to all the seniors. I WAS ON VARSITY FOR 3 YEARS. and what do I get? SHIT.
I pretty much feel like my entire high school career was a waste.