This is a Degrassi ramble, pay it no mind.

Oct 29, 2011 13:21

Okay, this will be a long rambly Degrassi commentary, so by all means ignore it and go on with your day.

Now, as you might be ever-so-slightly aware Clare is one of my favorite Degrassi characters, starting in S8 but getting stronger in S9 and S10, then S11 happened and for a while I focused on the character without focusing on how the story prioritized, using the events in her 'story' we aren't seeing to explain her behavior in the plots we are seeing. To explain what that is, here's the priority I gave:
  1. Her Mother dating and acting like a college girl free from the binds of marriage.
  2. Her parents divorce and the aftermath of her parents interactions post-divorce.
  3. Her growing paranoia over Eli's being off his meds and writing their romance.
  4. Her overpowering subconscious desires to make out with boys.
  5. Her feelings for Jake.

Here's how the show prioritized things:
  1. Her feelings for Jake.
  2. Her growing paranoia over Eli's being off his meds and writing their romance.
  3. Her Mother dating and acting like a college girl free from the binds of marriage.
  4. Her overpowering subconscious desires to make out with boys.
  5. Her parents divorce and the aftermath of her parents interactions post-divorce.

They treat the last two pretty much equally in the minimal appearances of it in the first half of S11.

Now then, what's the problem with the plot's priority for the character compared to the one I was using when considering the character? The most powerful emotional issues for Clare are pretty much ignored in favor of quick dirty teen romance. There are plenty of simple ways to reorganize the given Clare plot to make the plot function smoother. Instead of treating what is probably the most powerful aspect of her being overwhelmed by her new home life as afterthoughts.
Watching her mom basically spit on Clare's belief in happiness, the happiness Clare has known all her life should be the most dramatic to write. Just showing Clare interacting with her mom while her mom is getting ready to go out to party, the scene where her mom comes home late, or saying negative things about Clare's dad would have helped this. Clare's emotions dealing with her mom would have been a great explanation for everything Clare's done. Just... they never focused on it, instead throwing Clare and Jake into a love situation.

They rushed from Clare and Jake being casual to Clare and Jake being official in a few days of story time/two episodes. They should have reorganized the plots so Clare and Jake starting thigns up gave them weeks as a 'casual' couple, letting Clare mimic her mother's actions as a means to spite her. Playing up Clare's rather hormonal lust issues, which have only been reined in by her family values style morality. Which would lead to Clare feeling guilty for doing something like that and let her 'love*' for Jake grow more naturally.

Now, you might have noticed a line back I put a star next to love. This is because even after the strong push that its true love I don't buy it. Clare having attachment issues, yes. Clare feeling guilty using Jake to get away from her mom issues/parent issues/Eli issues, yes. But love? I don't think its that simple. Now, I do love the Cake pairing but it was far too quick to where it got. Clare thinking its love is fine, but they put too hard a sell on love here. It hurt the plot, teenagers make MISTAKES when it comes to everything, this would be one of them.

Another thing this season lacked was a Clare 'trying to hard' episode. Which help to show Clare's completely ineptitude at love and romance. Season 8 had her dance with K.C. and a little of it in the ep with the vibrator. Season 9 had Start Me Up and Innocent When You Dream. Season 10 had Clare rigt after the mid-season break where she did the whole rebel girl in a scene outfit. The closest we get in Season 11 is her making out with Liam, which didn't really cover it as Liam was quick to understand, so Clare didn't have to explain anything and admit to a failing.

Season 11 needed to start with a strong foundation for Clare's motives when she starts, then as she gets deeper into the issues her motives can change to her actually liking time with Jake, or getting less suspicious of Eli. Which is a shame as they handled Eli this season rather well, and Jake's bits in both plots were both very good... but Clare's plot got so mangled by a failure to prioritize issues. Hopefully part 2 fixes some of this. But the latest special does not give me hope.
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