So this is a Rakath with an RP plotbunny... again.

Sep 21, 2010 00:30

Like last one, it'll probably go away if I ignore it and don't tweak the googledoc I made for it. :x

Alright, so I beat Birth By Sleep in like a... week, save that one bossfight I should try again on soon. Anyway, I was kinda looking for general feedback on game premise and ideas for the game and how insane I am for wanting to make this work. This'll be cliffnotes (or as close as I can get to not teal deering all over all ya).

So to save people from BBS spoilers, some stuff happened and the pathways to all worlds were opened for keyblade warriors from all worlds to take up arms in a Keyblade War. For those that have played BBS, it went exactly like it did at the end of the game. Everyone from BBS is exactly where endgame left them. However the pathways opening is a slow process, takes about 10 years.

Timeskip to about the start of KH1 (when Destiny Island falls to the Darkness), various warriors from all sorts of worlds wind up in The Keyblade Graveyard. And are slowly recruited over to the side of Light or Darkness as a Keyblade war will rage over the worlds. Generally the main confrontations will be as Light and Dark fight over getting to the keyholes of various worlds to seal them, or corrupt them. Me and (whoever I sucker into helping me) will run events on worlds from a canon we will mostly choose at random/by what we think will be fun.

NOW! Some notes about gameplay. As Light vs. Darkness will happen I will want LOTS OF COOL VILLAINS, TO DO EVIL THINGS, AND GENERALLY BE EVIL IN SOME FORM. Since this is Kingdom Hearts evil will have the upper hand a lot of the time. Why? Evil is cruel. Evil should also be infighting a lot, giving good its only real opening to do heroics by not being as petty as villainy. I've picked out four worlds to exist as the main stable of places to be, and some minor rules like about the FF cast in KH. Which I'll get to later.

Given I have little time, am easily distracted, and all in all have never done any modding before... should I attempt this, does this even seem sane or like a thing that'll work? I mean villainy will lead to a lot of power gaming and it'll be a slippery slope thing... I need opinions. Right now I have King Mickey and Maleficent as NPCs that can be apped, but as both are powerful should I make them just mod characters instead? I need advice!

On the KH cast. I'm somewhat writing out the BBS cast due to... canon (they still exist). And save the Zack and the three friends on Destiny Island (Tidus, Waka, and Selphie) I'm writing out the FF cast on other worlds (Twilight Town's Seifer gang, Setzer, The Restoration Committee and Gullwings in Radiant Garden). The second one is just to make the home canons (FFVI-X) more stable and less icky overlap. I kinda want to avoid canonshattering and Celeb paradox if I can.) Does this seem fair? Should I try to work another way around it?
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