(no subject)

Mar 15, 2012 00:46

So it has been a hell of a long time since i've wrote anything and got my thoughts down on "paper". Where to start, well in the previous post i thanked the universe for giving me a girlfriend. Well as it turns out the universe gave me a complete physcho. She had no drive or ambition to do anything with her life. She obssessed over me and suffucated me. There became a point where visiting her felt like an obligation and i wasnt enjoying being with her. Not mention i had to nearly every night talk her out from killing herself. I realize now that my good nature was being manipulated to satifiy her needs. Only after coaxing from my parents and a good friend i cut myself loose from her.
Shortly there after i reconnected with a girl that i've known for two years and really liked. We are now together and i couldnt be happier. She has a personality that is contagous and she is an absolute joy to be around. I hope that we remain together for a long time. We have many similiar interest and we hang out alot and we keep in contact on a regular basis and i smile when i receive text from her.
After piece of good news is after 8 years of dealing with a "certian coporation" and being paid just barely above minium wage i decided ive had enough and went to find a diffrent job. I've already had my interview and im waiting to hear back to see if im going to work for first shift or third. Wish me luck.
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