Aug 08, 2010 01:40
In the ast couple weeks i have been visited by 3 gentlemen from the Church jesus christ of Latter day saint. I thought I'll be nice and let them talk and send them on their way but i got to talking with them and every question i had about the bible and every "unpopular" view i had about god and jesus they had the same thoughts. I find myself at odds with myself. I believe in what they say because it's what i beleived before they showed up. ive been invited to attend a service at their church. I want to i believe in what they teach in pit of my heart i know i believe it. it's just i was raised roman catholic and ive attended episcpalian services and even tried wiccan and pagan cermonies but i couldnt put my heart in it because i guess i didnt really believe in them but this is different i feel better. i feel more at peace with myself when i read the book of mormon. It feels right it sits right with me. I guess what im saying is nothing else really felt correct. I am going to say Thank You to my friends who are pagan for helping see my misconceptions and see the truth behind the lies that others say about your faith but i know now that it is not my faith. I need to go forth and forge my own path. i can no longer afford to sit idle on my path it time i started walking on my own two legs. The only thing i fear is that my parents will lash out me for making this choice. Im afraid the may not understand and i have a hard time explaining myself sometimes. Please understand i cherish my friendship with you all and though i choose to walk a different spiritual path i respect your choice to be who you are.