Feb 24, 2008 22:45
I have a new philosophy on naps. They are great. I love the idea of taking one, especially on Sunday afternoon.
But really, I feel so much better about my life when I do productive things instead. Not that sleeping isn't productive. I grant that when you are so tired you can't think straight or pretty much do anything but sit in a dazed stupor, naps can be quite beneficial. However, since I'm generally not at that point, I have decided that I should spend my time doing better things. Like writing to my old roommate missionary. And balancing my checkbook. And... stuff. Really important stuff. Yes. The kind of stuff that is perpetually on my To Do list but always gets pushed to the bottom because it's not quite important enough to take precedence over things like homework.
One of these days I will add writing in my real journal to that list, because I think that's very beneficial to my mental health. (Which, given that I have only written in it like, once over Christmas break and only in times of crisis the rest of last semester, does not bode well for my mental state.) But it's so overwhelming to think of writing again... I have this idea that I have to catch up (and how do you catch up on a semester and a half?), and I need to squish it and banish it and all that good stuff or I'll never regain my sanity.
Sigh. This was not supposed to turn into this kind of post. It was supposed to be a monologue about naps. Which evidently is harder to write than I thought, because I tried to write something along these lines before and failed miserably. Oh well. I guess I'm just in a self-analytical mood. Maybe I will go write in my real journal to get it out of my system (since the thought of being self-analytical for the whole world to see is just not very appealing).
journal writing