Jan 23, 2008 17:46
Now that the Add/Drop deadline is passed, it's time to do an in-depth analysis of my classes... (this also gives me a good excuse to put off my extensive to do list that keeps pestering me):
Latin Dance: definitely, definitely worth taking. Even if one of the steps is named something that sounds suspiciously like the spanish word for "cockroach".
U.S. History: I can usually stay awake for about 15 minutes unassisted... then it's time to pull out the sodoku from The Daily Universe. Not necessarily boring, just... I spend the entire hour feeling like I'm waiting to get to the main point, and we never get there.
OChem: I had a startling realization today. I actually enjoy this class. Weird, huh? Especially since I'm not that great at it. But I think it's because it's a constant stream of new material, and it always feels like I'm learning. No time wasted in that class. And I never fall asleep. (Perhaps because I get a power nap in History right before it.)
Behavioral Neuro: We've only met 3 times so far, so it's still a toss-up. But the book's pretty interesting, and the first test (which was today) went well enough.
Family Life: I love my minor. Even though pretty much my entire grade in this class is based on writing papers and memorizing the Proclamation, I really like this class. It's taught by a therapist, which might be part of it. Instead of statistics, we get stories. Much more interesting.
Cell Bio: Not a fan. At all. I eat a lot of snacks and still struggle to stay awake. And it's at a terrible time: 4-6pm??? However, we do get class time to work on the homework, which marginally makes up for spending the rest of the class trying to figure out what he's asking. I think this class will be the bane of my existance this semester.
LDS Temples: I meant to just audit it, but alas, the add/drop deadline passed before I got around to fixing that. Nonetheless, I think it will be interesting and (hopefully) pretty low-stress.
I'm still trying to figure out why I'm not excited about the next 3 months, since on paper it doesn't look too bad...
Lappy update: Now it only refuses to connect to the internet at home. A small improvement, I suppose... *sigh* It looks like I'll be living in the library for a while.