Dec 07, 2007 17:46
Curse those blasted puddles that hide until you are ankle deep in them. Like the one at the foot of the stairs coming out of my apartment. And the one flooding the sidewalk just before you start to cross the street at 7th North.
It's funny how summer rain makes me so happy and winter rain is just evil. Really the only big difference between the two is temperature...
Anyway, only 2 more papers left to write and 2 quizzes and 10 tests left to take. Hopefully they go as well as the last 3 quizzes went. And yay, my oral presentation for Technical Writing is over... I think I talked too fast but other than that I think it went well.
The strangest thing happened a few days ago when I was doing extraction in the library. I was most of the way done with the batch I was working on when the keyboard stopped working properly. Now, it still worked perfectly fine in any other program, like if I were writing an email, it typed normally. But in the FamilySearch indexing software, all the keys were mixed up. I would hit the D key and E would appear. It was very odd. And I had no idea why it was doing it or how to undo it, but I had already spent an hour and a half on the batch (because I'm a perfectionist and will spend 10 minutes puzzling out all the different names a bit of chicken scratch could possibly be), and I wasn't about to not finish it. Since there was no clear pattern in how the keys were mixed up, I spent the next half hour poking keys until I found the one that I wanted, then repeating the process looking for the next one. It took forever to do the last 5 or so names. (I didn't dare restart the program because I didn't want to risk losing all of my work.) *sigh* I did some more today on the same computer and it worked fine, so I'm not really sure what the deal was. (Today's batch was much nicer. I did twice as many names in half the time.)
computer troubles,