Sensory Deprivation

Oct 24, 2007 18:25

Today in my Sensation and Perception class we got to do something a little different.  (Meaning I did not fall asleep in class.)  We each got a partner, a route, and a blindfold.  Me and my partner's route was from the back of the library (the one-child family statue) to the bowling alley in the basement of the Wilk.

One person was blindfolded.

The other person ensured they didn't die or hurt themselves severely en route to the destination.

Then we switched jobs and returned to our starting point.

I came to several conclusions.
  1. I'm glad I'm not blind (at least, as long as my contacts are in).
  2. The ground is a lot more textured than I usually notice.
  3. It takes a lot longer to get somewhere when you can't see anything.
  4. It's really hard to walk in a straight line down a hallway when you have no visual cues.
  5. I'm never going to walk through the bookstore blindfolded again.  No clue why my partner thought that would be a good idea.  I think he found it amusing.
In the 5 minutes remaining of class after we completed this exercise (yes, it took that long to do the first part), we got earplugs and stood on opposite sides of the glass doors in the SWKT.  Then we took turns reading sentences aloud and tried to read the other person's lips.  I found this much easier than stumbling around blindfolded, although I did have to see each sentence mouthed 3 or 4 times...

I must say it was the most interesting class period of the semester so far... for that class at least.

And now... back to studying Ochem... I'm up to 2 hours of class time and an hour and a half of doing homework problems today, and I have a 2 hour test review in 15 minutes, followed by a session with my study group.  If I'm lucky, I will only spend 14 hours on campus today. 

class, studying

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