My apartment is full of smoke. Gotta love roommates. At least it's "stuff burning on the stove" kind of smoke and not the secondhand kind...
However, at least this week is looking to be a little more relaxed than last week (no more tests for a while), which is good, since it's likely I will be spending a great deal of it sleeping. (Not that last week went badly by any stretch of the imagination - I played a lot, did fabulously on my two tests, and got to dance, but it was pretty busy.)
I find it highly ironic that I wait until I catch a cold before I bother taking care of myself... Example: I went to bed extra early last night (12:30), took a nap today, and made myself a real dinner. It was delicious. And it was a good reward for dragging myself to class against my will. I really just wanted to stay in bed and sleep... but if I did that, I would have seriously regretted it on Thursday. We learned so many steps in both my dance classes... at least 3 in Country dance, and nearly our whole routine for Quickstep in my Standard Ballroom class. I just pitied my poor partners... I tried not to cough on them too much!
And... I'm kind of glad I didn't end up hiking the Y like I was tentatively supposed to today. I probably would have hacked up a lung or run out of kleenex or something.
The nicest part about today was I got all my essential homework done early in the day, so I can be unproductive guilt-free. :)
Other fun things...
- This week's edition of the weekly ward newsletter arrived in my inbox, and I got to read it. It makes me smile. :)
- My friends that went out of town last weekend are back and are visiting me tonight.
- I don't have any tests this week. *cheers and clapping*
- I know there was something else. It's going to bother me because I can't remember.
- Oh yeah! I remember now. I made to the next level on SuperPoke! on Facebook and got 5 new poking choices! (Which means nothing to most of you, but that's okay.) (It's a shame that they aren't really that exciting as poking choices go... oh well)
And... I've successfully wiled away my evening alone, and soon I will have free entertainment again (my bff roommate is home and making deliciousness) so... I'm going to be done for now.
The end.