summer post

Jun 03, 2007 18:33

So summer has been relaxing so far even with the SAT. Let's see...I went to Borders again and lost my purse as usual. It has to happen at least once a month. One of the nice Borders workers returned it. Went on a long walk with Shellie. It was hot. Some hispanic dude honked at us, and Shellie tried to yell at him before I explained that stupid people always honk at you if you're walking down Fee Fee and you happen to be an underage female.

Yesterday I had to go to my second cousin? Travis' graduation party. They live way out in the middle of nowhere meaning the country. They have sheep. Lots of sheep. It was smelly after all the rain. They also had this keg of beer, so my only source of entertainment the whole time was watching all the kids younger than me help themselves to yet another glass. My cousin who's like 20 or something drank two whole glasses within 20 minutes. Very impressive.

And we just got wireless for the Monster laptop so that's nice. Oh, and I watched Notes on a Scandal. Really weird movie about a teacher having an affair with one of her students. And the creepy lesbian lady who loves her.

Hmm, suppose that's it.
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