Professor Moriarty

Feb 23, 2011 01:26

True Grit is the Godfather of today. It is beautiful.

How does STACKING get an A and Killzone 3 a B+? We're talking about a beautiful funny game. 3D is only at home and I've already tried it at PAX. I mean, the story- the enemies (cutscenes) have always been recock. We're talking about 15 dollars VS 60. I guess that's the problem. Along with LOTR NAZI's. STACKING has 0 story and only a few hours of gameplay. Yeah, it's funny too, but it's absolutely stupid after a bit. It's like Warren Spektor and Epic Mickey.

Killzone 3 you can tell right away they have to get off that planet, but the set pieces along the way are amazing. And there are plenty.

Also, Let Me In beats Let the Right One In? Matt Reeves pulled off his Cloverfield finally, an American Horror flick.

There are no Vampires. Just a little girl who needs blood to live. Abby and Owen, who is the greater monster?

Cloverfield has a serious problem. He never differentiates between the Monster and the Military enough. Or any real relationship. It's cool to watch, but there's no real Monster. The Host will always beat it.

I've seen True Grit 5 times. I should probably watch Green Hornet or Unknown. Or anything.I mentioned Professor Moriarty. This is because it's the first Sherlock Holmes. I cannot wait and I hope it's Guy R. again.

Today, everything changed for the best. You can tell when your happiness is coming.


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