Michael turns Jordan.

Jan 04, 2004 16:06

3rd January, 2004.

James Bond, tucked in the pages of a well-thumbed copy of Thunderball, sipped a drier than seemingly possible martini and smiled as he aged yet another year. It is admittedly easier to get old when you're fictional, he thought as he ran a hand through never to gray hair.

Michael Schumacher, spending snowy winters with wife and kids, turned thirty-five and flexed his muscles in anticipation of what might be his toughest year. And one where he wants to fight more than ever. Around the world, a Colombian, a Finn, and a Spaniard prayed that somehow, against all belief, age would slow him down this year. They sighed. And then all decided to fight like hell for second place.

Yours truly turned 23. And was buried in a deluge of phone calls and mails from all over the world, reminding me just how darned lucky I am [How easily I often forget!] to know the people I know. Thanks, everyone, for making (even if you were all indulging me!) my day, well, mine.


Ooh, I feel older already.


p.p.s. - greatest birthday present this year? From a certain Mr. Tendulkar. WOW!

sport, mylestone

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