Forever... [One-shot]

Oct 31, 2008 14:35

Title: Forever…

Pairing: Akame…friendship AKamePi

Genre: angst…

Rating: Safe…G

Summary: …Kame, Jin and Yamapi are best friends…bad summary…T__T

A/N: don’t kill me after reading this…*runs*

A guy walked along the street slowly. He smiled when two figures waved their hands at him.

“Pi-chan~! Tadaima!” Jin patted Yamapi’s shoulder. Kame chuckled a bit.

“At last…you’re back!”

Kame hugged Yamapi; tight. Jin just watched both of them; laughing at how Yamapi tried to escape.

“Long time no see, ne…Kame…Jin…” said Yamapi as he finally escaped from Kame’s killing hug.

“Welcome home!” Jin with his high pitched voice…Yamapi shook his head.

“It’s been six years! How I miss you~!” Kame hugged Yamapi again.

=== *______* ===

“How’s US Pi? Must be great right? Six years you were totally missing in action and now you appeared? What’s up Pi?” Jin asked as the three of them sat in his living room.

Yamapi sighed.

“US are okay…but Japan is the best! Actually…to be honest, I miss you guys, the reason why I’m here now…you guys had totally changed a lot ne…”

Yup... we definitely changed every time…

Kame nodded. “Hai…if we look back ourselves six years ago, we definitely have changed right?”

We changed to be adult. At this moment, how I miss the childhood experience…

“Exactly! Talking about change, Kame is the one that changed a lot. Pi-chan, remember the first time we met him?” Jin grinned. Yamapi laughed.

“Of course! How could I forget? He totally acted like a lioness, right?”

Kame blushed. “Oi…dame yo!”


Jin and Yamapi were playing a ball at the playground. Yamapi threw the ball at Jin but the ball went somewhere else…

POKK~! A boy was sitting on the grass, rubbing his forehead. Jin and Yamapi went to that boy and carefully asked.

“We’re sorry! We totally didn’t mean that to happen! Are you okay?” The boy who was sitting than stood up and took the ball beside him. He threw the ball straight at Jin.

“Take that~! It hurts baka!”

Jin was now lying on the grass and Yamapi besides him, crying very hard.

End flashback

That moment was the best in my life…the moment I cherished…

Though we always fought and quarrel then, but now we are best friends!

“Kampai~!” said the three of them in unison. Yamapi laughed at the fact he just knew.

“So both of you are now officially a couple, yeah?” Kame looked furious.

“And why are you laughing??! You! You must promise that you won’t leave us again!”

Yamapi smiled. His phone suddenly played Sayonara wo ashita no tame ni melody.

“Wait for a sec…let me answer this call, okay?” Kame’s hands were now on his waist.

“Don’t try to run from my question!” Jin put his hand around Kame’s shoulder.

“Kame…chills out okay?”

Yamapi looked at the screen before pushing the red button. Jin frowned.

“Who is that Pi-chan?” Yamapi smiled.

“Nobody…. Don’t worry Kame. I’ll stay here forever!” Kame sulked.

“You’re always like this. Secretive. Never wanted to say what you think.” Jin stood up.

“I go get some more water…”

Kame drank his drink slowly. “What do you mean by forever Pi?”

Yamapi looked at Kame’s watch before he opened it.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m borrowing your watch for a sec…first…” Yamapi gave a peck on Kame’s cheek making the latter than blushed.

“…and then…” he pushed a button of the watch causing it to stop. He showed it to Kame.

“See? The time is not moving right? I assume what the three of us had experienced are forever! Eternity! Not even time could stop it!”

Kame blinked. “Now I understand…” but then he pounded Yamapi.

“You! Give me back my watch!”

All this while…what I worry the most is whether the changes we had gone through will change our relationship…

Jin walked out from the kitchen laughing out loud. Kame went straight to Jin and put his arms around Jin’s waist.

But it seems that we’re still like back then, remain unchanged…

“Jin~! Look at Pi…he took my watch~!” Yamapi stick his tongue out.

“Owh…what a baby~!”

What I worry about vanished just like that…as we will always stick together, forever…

=== *______* ===

Yamapi looked at the two familiar faces that were sleeping soundly on the bed.

“A week with both of you is great~! I’m totally happy!”

This is what I mean forever. For  eternity.

Yamapi stood up and turned around. When he started to walk, he heard something.

“Pi…tell me…why are you here…” Yamapi turned around and he confirmed that both of them are still sleeping. He walked slowly before he knelt down in front Kame.

“…I know…there must be something…” Yamapi looked shocked.

“Kame…Jin…I’m sorry…I’m not selfish but I’ve got no choice…”

He stretched his hand before slowly caressing Kame’s and Jin’s face. He stood up and kissed his own hand.

“May both of you live happily ever after…”

=== *______* ===

Can we still be happy if we were left behind?

Kame gasped. He looked at Jin who was startled.

“PI?” the melody of Sayonara wo ashita no tame ni played again. “Pi’s cell phone…”

Jin picked it up.

“Hello…we’re sorry…Yamapi is currently not here…”

“We’re from the New York Hospital of United States.”


“Yes. We just want to check on him. How is his condition?”

Yamashita Tomohisa…XX years old…

Kame looked around for Yamapi. Jin scratched his head.

“Can you tell me what is going on actually?”

“He didn’t tell? Yamapi is suffering brain cancer. After failed in his operation, there’s nothing we can do…he’s cancer is now at critical stage.”

XX December XXXX

XXXX hour…

Worried expression was now clear on Kame’s face. He and Jin were searching everywhere for Yamapi. They took the elevator and went to the rooftop.

“He asked for our permission to return to Japan. He said he wanted to fulfill his last wish…”

“Did he say what kind of wish?

The couple were now wet in sweat and feeling sore in throat; from running and screaming for Yamapi.

“He just told us that he want to see the two most important people in his life…”

Kame was panting. Jin tried to breathe properly.

“…he hoped that both of them will miss him…just as how much he missed him…forever…”

Kame’s eyes widened. He fell to the floor. Jin supported his boyfriend from behind.

“…he wanted to be home to make sure that both of them are happy…and after that, his wish is fulfilled…”

Crystal beads rolled down Jin’s cheeks before he can even cover his face with his hands. Kame burst out in tears. Both of them were crying their tears of regret.

A familiar body lay down in front of them covered in blood with a familiar watch in his hand and a warm smile on his face.

Just then I realized, our precious moments in my memories are the three of us together…

But now, my life and Kame’s are not complete…

The moment that I’m confident Pi is not going to leave us again…he already left me and Kame…bringing our memory…forever…


A/N:…okay…Yamapi is still healthy and alive and he is currently on tour right now with NEWS…a special note to Yamapi’s fan girls…don’t kill me (n I’m sorry!) coz I kill Yamapi in this fic…after all it is A FANFIC…n yeah…to Jin’s lovers…he is definitely not him inside this fic…n as I said…it is a FANFIC…

*being chased by Pi and Jin’s fan girls*

fanfiction: one-shot, ot3:akamepi

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