Near But Far...

Oct 09, 2008 18:09

Title: Near But Far…

Pairing: RyoDa

Genre: …angst?

Rating: …safe of course…G

Summary: …read it to know…sumimasen…*bow 90degree*

Disclaimer: …if I own them, you wouldn’t need fanfic anymore as I will make them records videos…

A/N: I was supposed to study cause I’m having my PMR (those in Malaysia should know this) in a few days…but writing a fic is one way to study English right?


“Silent please…” Mrs. Keiko’s voice echoed. Girls and boys in the classroom quiet suddenly. “Good…we’ve got new friend. A transfer student from Kyoto. So be nice and friendly towards him okay? Come in and introduce yourself.” A boy with dark brown hair walked into the class. The whole classroom was mesmerized by his prettiness. He bowed and noticed that almost everyone was dropping their jaws except a black-haired boy who was preoccupied with his works.

“Good morning everyone…my name is Ueda Tatsuya…yoroshiku onegaishimasu…”

Mrs. Keiko nodded his head. “Now…Ueda-kun you can sit there…five desks from Nishikido-kun’s desk…” The said boy walked pass by the said Nishikido to his place.

Hi…my name is Nishikido Ryo. I am in the same class as Ueda Tatsuya. I used to watch him from my desk which is five desks away from his, and that was months ago. One day I decided to approach him. And poof! We’ve become best friends, or friends or maybe lovers? How we become best friends, or friends or maybe lovers? Well let me recall…

It was Wednesday. The day I decided to, yeah…approached him. From the class corridor, I could see that he was talking with Yumiko, the vice president of the Students Representative Council. After he finished talking to her, I walked in different direction, towards him. I purposely stumbled over him, causing him to fall. And yes of course…I gave my hand for him. That was the first time we talked to each other and then we became best friends (?)…

Let me tell you a bit about him. Well, he is a boy and he is pretty. And I love to watch his beautiful face cause……uh…I feel at ease whenever I see his face. Weird right?

But then, one fine evening when we were walking towards a Sakura tree, I suddenly collapsed. That moment, I swear I could hear how panic Tatsuya was. And how happy I am to know how he cares about me. I was submitted to the hospital and still there until now. He always come and visits me everyday to tell me about schools, friends and sometimes his funny stories.

Tatsuya walks slowly to surprise Ryo from behind. “HAH!” Ryo is shocked. I forgot to mention that he is naughty too.

“Tatsuya! Stop that or I will die because of your naughtiness.” Tatsuya laughs.

“Of course you wouldn’t die because of that Ryo. My naughtiness is the one that keeps you alive… don’t you dare say about dying anymore…”  Ryo smiles.

“Okay…I wouldn’t…promise…besides, nothing is wrong with me….” He puts his right hand up.

“Demo…Ryo…if there are nothing wrong you, why would you be in this ward for almost two month?”

argh…damn…why should he ask that? Now what should I tell him…

“Ne Tatsuya…what’s up with school today?” Tatsuya pouts.

“School…it is boring you know what…I always tell you about school but when you’ll ever come back to school ha?” Ryo looks anxious.

Their conversation is somehow stops by Dr. Haruto who suddenly walks into the ward. Fuh…thank you kami-sama for sending Haruto sensei at this moment…

“I’m sorry Tatsuya. Ryo-chan should go for his daily treatment now. I shall borrow him from you now.” Tatsuya just nods his head.

Days after that…

Ryo covers Tatsuya’s eyes with his hands. “Ryo! Now what are you trying to do? I cannot see anything!” Ryo just smiles.

“I’m taking you to a special place. Let’s go…”

He takes Tatsuya to the rooftop and slowly let his hands go. “Tatsuya, you can open your eyes now.” Tatsuya blinks. Once…twice…it’s beautiful.

The view is breathtaking. Thousands of stars were shining brightly that night leaving Tatsuya in mesmerize. Ryo embraces him from behind and shows his right hand

“Look Tatsuya! The star says hello!” Tatsuya looks at Ryo’s palm which is drawn with a star complete with its eyes and mouth as well as a bubble ‘HELLO’.

Tatsuya smiles beautifully. How I wish I could see that smile for the rest of my life…

Two months before…

I opened my eyes and I can hardly see something as the lights into my eyes were bright enough to make me blind. I blinked several times and now I can quite see Haruto sensei in front of me. He is smiling but he looked rather sad.

“Ryo-chan…I’m sorry to tell you this but the cancer cells had spread to half of your body system…”

==== *_______*====

Hi. I am Ueda Tatsuya. My desk is five desks away from Nishikido Ryo’s desk. The first time I walked into the class, he was the only one that didn’t dropped his jaws. When I passed him to go to my desk, I started to admire him. His sad yet beautiful eyes…his smiles… Yeah…yeah…I know. It is too soon, but what the fucking hell I care?  I always steal a glance at him because I like him.
One day, he stumbled over me at the corridor and stretched his hand for me. After that he said he wants to be my friends. Quite old trick but I was shocked and happy in the same time. Although it is just friendship but then I don’t mind. Friendship can somehow be turned into love, right? By the way, to be greedy is a sin.

One fine evening, as we were walking, he suddenly collapsed causing me to panic like hell. I took him to the hospital and he was submitted there for almost two months now.

He kept saying that nothing is wrong with him but days after days he looks paler than the first time he collapsed as if his blood vessels to face are cut off or something.

I am getting very worried, thus, when it is time for his treatment a few days ago, I silently followed him and Haruto sensei from behind. I kind of heard that Haruto sensei told him he shouldn’t find his true love. He doesn’t have much time left.

What the fucking hell was that supposed to mean???!  I do so not believe that he is dying or something!

Today, Tatsuya continues his routine to visit Ryo at the hospital. But today, he is late. The clock shows it is already 11.30 p.m. and the visits time is supposed to be over. But, clever Tatsuya got it all in his hand. He sits silently besides Ryo’s bed, trying not to wake him up. He puts one of Ryo’s hands in his; trying to feel the warmness of Ryo but he can only feel the cold.

Tatsuya looks at Ryo’s face which becomes paler every second. He caresses Ryo’s eyebrows, nose, lips…

“Tatsuya…I thought you’re not coming today…” said Ryo in weak voice. He is already awake the moment Tatsuya touched his hand.  Somehow, seeing Ryo in that condition makes Tatsuya wants to cry. He blinks several times, storing back his tears.

“Of course I’ll come. I’m just late today. Just rest Ryo. You’re not healthy.” Ryo tries to get up but is push by Tatsuya. Ryo gives a sad look to Tatsuya. Owh…alright I’ll help you get up…

“Come on…I’ll help you…where do you want to go?” Ryo smiles. Tatsuya holds his arms carefully and put one of it on his shoulder. Ryo leans on to Tatsuya.

“We go to the rooftop, ne?” Tatsuya nods his head and leads the way to the hospital rooftop. Along the way to rooftop, Ryo keeps mumbling ‘promise me you won’t cry’ to Tatsuya. Tatsuya doesn’t want Ryo to be sad so he keeps nodding his head.

At the rooftop…

Ryo covers Tatsuya eyes. “Don’t cry okay?” Tatsuya tries no to cry but tears silently rolls down his cheeks.

“I’m sorry Ryo…I break my promise…I couldn’t hold it…since the first day you came to me…I always wanted to tell you this…I was just afraid I couldn’t make it…”

Tatsuya still closes his eyes but he doesn’t feel Ryo’s cold hands anymore. He opens his eyes.

The stars are shining very bright like the first time Ryo took him to the rooftop.

He turns around and sees Ryo’s already on the floor. He quickly brings Ryo’s head up and put it on his lap. Tears still wet his cheeks. Ryo still try to smile and talk in stutter.

“I told you not to cry right? Now…I cannot tell you my feelings anymore……arigatou Tatsuya…for always be by my side…promise me…you will always…live happily…” Tatsuya shakes his head.

“NO…Ryo…you too will always be my side right? You won’t leave me…” Ryo blinks. He looks like he is in terrible pain but somehow he manages to cover it.

“…Tatsuya…” Tatsuya brings his face closer to Ryo. Ryo touches Tatsuya’s face with his fingers.


“…can you…hurm…kiss me?” Tatsuya wipes his tears and then he places a soft chaste kiss on Ryo’s pale lips. And another one on his forehead.

Slowly, Ryo closes his eyes and left Tatsuya an innocent smile. His face shines like the stars.

Tatsuya cries his lungs out when Ryo closes his eyes…forever…

“I like you…Nishikido Ryo…since the first time we met…”

That night, under the lights of thousands stars…is the moment where Ryo and me were really near together…but it is also the moment where we were separated very far away…forever…

And I never get the chance to know his feelings as my tears had wept away the words written on his palm…


++++comments and critics are love++++
++++wish me a very good luck for my PMR++++

fanfiction: one-shot, ryoda

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