The Rings That Bind Us Together [5th Ring]

May 30, 2009 21:12

Title: The rings that bind us together (other title: Of rings and destiny)

Pairing: RyoDa, AKame, one-sided love

Genre: Fluff, angst, crack

Rating: PG for now and will be keep in view for later chapters.
Summary: err...Ryo loved Kame and Jin loved Ueda but Kame loved Jin and Ueda loved Ryo...a series of incidents involving two pairs of rings happened and...I should be looking for a more apropriate summary shouldn't I?

A/N: I'm back...? Seriously, the exams had drained three-quarter of my energy. I'm really sorry for updating this late...? blame the exam if this chappie fails...
*give cookies* *on my holiday mode*

~5th Ring~

Jin walked towards the dressing room. They’ll have a practice in another half an hour. So he didn’t have to rush. He rubbed his full stomach. It’s been a while since he had a proper breakfast. And thanks to Kame, he came to work happily today.

He hummed a happy melody under his breath. He opened the door, followed by Kame behind him.

“Oha…yo?!” Koki and Maru looked rather surprised. Jin smiled. “Ohayo!”

“Ohayo…” Kame bowed slightly. “…I’ll go and call manager-san first…” with that he excused himself, going out by the same door.

Koki immediately jumped towards Jin and shook the tall man’s shoulder.

“Jin! You…Kame…how??!” Jin blinked and the way his body being shook didn’t help him thinking either. Maru noticed this and pulled Koki away. Before he managed to say anything, Taguchi had already translated what Koki actually wanted to say.

“Koki was just asking, how come you and Kame came to work together…”

Jin formed a big O with his mouth.

“Owh~ we live together now~” was what he answered. Soon after that a dizzy Koki came in contact with the floor and Maru tried to wake him up. By the way, Taguchi continued playing with his game boy.

“How’s it living with him?” Maru suddenly asked. Jin scratched his non itchy head.

“Etto…well…it’s not my decision to live with him…its Johnny-san’s…since he said that our bond has disappeared? But I’m more than happy you know…since Kame is a very good cook and with his presents, at least my home won’t be in a ship-wreck state…”

Between his words and his smiles, Jin managed to take a glimpse of Ueda who didn’t seem interested or jealous at all off what he said. Instead, the U of KAT-TUN told him to take care of Kame with an innocent smile. He sighed in his heart. There’ll be no more chance for me…

“…But I’m more than happy you know…since Kame is a very good cook and with his presents, at least my home won’t be in a ship-wreck state…” a small smile formed when Kame heard what Jin said behind the door.


“Owh…is that so…? Then I won’t ask him about Ueda-kun again…” Tegoshi made a promise with Yamapi during their break. That young boy knew a mad Ryo is equal to a tornado in NEWS. He so didn’t want to experience that again. He was about to tell that to Koyama when the man came.





“Ryo-chan! I heard that you live with Ueda-kun now! How was it?!” the mama of the NEWS had come. And Tegoshi was late. Even Shige didn’t manage to stop Koyama before he asked that to Ryo. Yamapi slapped his temple. Tegoshi was on the verge of crying and Massu tried to coax him. Shige sighed heavily. Koyama…well…he looked rather weird looking at his band members. Why was everyone reacting like I’ve create a tornado or something…?

Ryo looked pissed than ever and he just stormed out of the room without proper excuse.

After a few seconds…

“Did I say something wrong?” Koyama asked. The other member of NEWS sighed, pretty heavily.

“Kei-chan…lets just go home…I’m pretty sure today’s practice will be canceled…” Shige put one of his arms around Koyama’s shoulder.

“What? But how did you know?” another sigh was heard mixed with the sounds of sobbing.

“…you wouldn’t want to know…I’ll go and talk to manager-san first…for now, go and stop Tego-nyan from crying…otherwise people will say we abuse him…” Pi patted Koyama’s shoulder before slowly made his way out of the dressing room in search for their manager.

“Huh…??” the oldest one in NEWS managed to slip a ‘huh’. He was still dumbfounded.


He inhaled the death sensation of the cigarette and slowly exhaled it out. He did that over and over again; completely ignoring that the smoke will kill him. He just didn’t fucking care anymore.

Die or not…that old man can still find other junior…he has hundreds of them already…just pick and make them debut…

He puffed the smoke once again. A familiar tune of Code filled the atmosphere. He flipped his cell phone open to see the smile of Yamapi and his other band mates. He closed the device and switched it off.

They can still practice without me…it’s not like they never done that before whenever I’m at Osaka…I just need a break…


The tall man leaned over the balcony. The wind ran across his face causing his bangs to fall over again and he kept tugging them behind. Fed up, he tied his long hair into a pony tail. Then, he fished out his cell phone from the back pocket of his baggy pants and flipped it open.

A bitter smile was formed on his face when he stared at the screensaver of his phone.

Hesitantly, half regrettably, he pushed a few buttons of the device.

Confirm Delete? He sighed and pushed the button.


All Tat-chan’s images had been deleted. An image of an animated bin appeared on the screen for nano seconds.


His current screensaver was a picture of 6 idols from Johnny’s Entertainment, namely KAT-TUN. The bitter smile had faded away as a new happy smile took its place. His eyes locked on the K for seconds, before he heard a voice called him for dinner.

“J…Akanishi-kun, dinner is ready…Let’s eat together~” Jin chuckled silently when he heard his new housemate always stuttered calling his name. I’ll tell Kame to just call me by my name if he is okay with it…Little did he know the ring in his hand was shining a pink light for a mere second.


“Hey...” Ueda looked at his housemate.

“What?” Came the answer from the younger man who was waiting for the water to boil.

“Your band mates were looking for you this whole day...” Ueda opened two ramen cups.


“And they said that you suddenly MIA and they can’t do their practices as usual...” He frowned for a while. The electric kettle showed a green light indicating the water had already boiled.

“And it was weird that Tegoshi even cried badly and Koyama looked so upset when they knew that the practice was canceled...” Ueda continued, observing the way Ryo poured the hot water inside the cup.

“Eh..?? Tegoshi cried??” Ryo said but still didn’t look at him.

“Yeah... He came inside my dressing room and begged me to tell him where you were that time with his crying damp face... And it was so ugly...” Ueda said the last sentences almost whispering. But Ryo still could hear him.

“Hey...don’t talk like that about Tego-nyan…that’s our member-ai okay??” Ryo took his ramen and walked to the living room. Ueda quickly poured the steaming water into his ramen cup.

Yeah right…go fuck with your oh-so-lovely member-ai…Huh..!!! He then went to the living room with his ramen, sitting on the floor, quite far from Ryo.

Silence. Only the slurping sound of the ramen occupied the room. Ueda couldn’t really help watching how Ryo eat his ramen, the younger’s face. He sighed.

“Don’t sigh in front of you food…”

“Hah..?” Ueda couldn’t believe his ears. Ryo raised a brow.

“I heard you sighing…it’s not proper to sigh in front the foods…”

“Who told you that? And why?” He answered.

“Okaa-san. Cause it seems like you’re not grateful that you have something to eat.”

“That’s your mother telling you. Not mine. And actually, it’s a bit pity to eat instant ramen, you know. Since you are Nishikido Ryo and the Nishikido Ryo I know works in two groups so his payment should be doubled and he should have been eating something more edible…besides, I don’t think okaa-san wants his son to eat instant ramen everyday…” Ryo stopped eating his ramen. The sound of slurping was gone. Ueda smirked. He won this time.

“Princess, if that is one way of you to mock me and my instant ramen, you’re good. It’s not like I asked you to eat it. And I thought you earned better than me? Plus, if you are so against eating instant ramen, we’ll go shopping for groceries tomorrow.” Ryo said rather annoyingly.

Ueda’s heart stopped beating for a moment. We’ll go shopping tomorrow?


fanfiction: multichap, akame, ryoda, title : the ring that bind us together

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