[Public post. Screened comments.]
All right, finally. This was a lot of code, eesh. Anyhow! WotLK stuff is behind this cut. If you don't want to see anything about it before you get it, or you just don't give a shit about WoW, this is not the post you are looking for.
Dial up users won't want to click. Most of these pictures are full screen size.
First of all, the videos are [
here]. LJ is being a coont and isn't letting me imbed them, they're sitting on top of pictures if I try. So. Anyhow, sound is shit and way too loud, be warned.
Load screens first... these are the only three I've seen so far. Awesome art.
Jason and I had a fit over the blood elf. Rawr! Hehe.
I decided to log on as Jaxine first, my 70 mage. I wanted to see any UI changes and catch any bugs of that sort before getting into the DK stuff.
You can add mounts to a pet tab now, freeing up a slot of inventory space.
I have no idea what this is for yet. I think it may be bugged, that's an awful lot of slots for what seems to be something to do with bg's and arena.
Glyphs, I assume for DK's. I've yet to run into them on mine.
For all you fellow pet collectors, you can now "learn" them exactly like your mounts, and add them to the pet tab too! Frees up a metric shitton of inventory/bank space, and it's an achievement as you can see.
I assume this is for herbalists only. Pretty pretty, not to mention damned useful.
This sucks, imo. Now you need to buy a riding crop for every mount you have, and for mount collectors like me, that's a bitch. But hey, at least leatherworkers are going to be that much richer now :P
I love this addition. It gives us max level chars something to do other than endlessly raid or PvP. There are A LOT of achievements to do, so I only took screens of a small selection.
As you can see, some are really easy.
And some are silly :D The next level up from Epic is apparently Superior, there at the bottom. I wonder if this takes place of the orange artifacts or if it's some new colour between the two.
Best achievement ever :D The turkey one is freaking hilarious, too, there's a screenshot later on of that.
New battleground!
Next step up in cloth... frostweave.
This is new to me. Am I wrong? I've never noticed an easter celebration in WoW before. If it's been around, pardon my ignorance :P
Stats tab, pretty self explanatory.
Well enough of that. I headed out of UC to see if anything changed, and noticed that it had...
A new zep tower has popped up.
The zep takes you to Vengeance Landing at Howling Fjord, which is in the new continent of Northrend.
Howling Fjord.
Vengeance Landing. Beware when you get off the zep, that's one hell of a confusing tower. I almost took a leap off the platform like a dumbass.
I love Blizzard's sense of humour.
Stone Giant. This guy was gigantic. There's a corpse at his foot to let you know how big he is. I got too close and aggro'd him. Jason screamed like a little girl. Then again so did I :P LOL.
Ember Gulch. Very sad.
A Chill Nymph in the Vibrant Glade.
A Frost Nymph in the Frozen Glade.
A Blacksoul Keeper in the Twisted Glade.
A Taunka.
A Wendigo... thing.
Headed into the Grizzly Hills.
Grizzly Hills scenery.
This made me think of Eppie :)
Interactive NPC's. That deer was not part of the scenery. Someone had killed it and after a while these guys came up and started doing this. Pretty neat.
This made me rofl. Apparently there's Mother of Bambina and Vengeful Bambina as well. I couldn't find the mom and I think I'd have to attack Bambina to make it vengeful, so I just left it alone.
After GH I wandered into Zul'Drak. I was in a hurry at this point, trying to find my way into Storm Peaks, which as I've since found out is closed off for some reason. Anyhow, I'll get back to ZD later, but I got a couple caps while I was there.
I don't remember what this guy was called, but he was the apprentice to someone who I reckon is far larger and more evil snakey than he is. He was as big as that Stone Giant. I ran.
So I'm trotting down the road alongside a DK and this mofo comes into view. I turned around immediately and started to yell as I ran away. I saw the DK leap into the air and fly off into the bushes beside the road. It was hilarious. This guy is ridiculous, I don't even come up to the top of his toe. He was miles away from me in this shot and still look how large he is.
Since there was no way north into Storm Peaks, I went west into Crystal Song Forest. There are two "sides" to CS, one normal fall-ish looking and the other is... I don't know, but it's really pretty.
The Fall side. There were no mobs anywhere in this zone except the Horde and Alliance encampments.
I couldn't click on it. It said I had to activate the one in Dalaran first.
The holy shit side.
Then I went north again, I saw a clearing into Storm Peaks. Then suddenly an arrow appeared over my head like a hunters mark and I had a buff called "No man's land." It said "You are somewhere you do not belong." and then I was teleported back down into Howling Fjord.
I got pretty pissed off at that point and went to make a Death Knight :P There is more Northrend to be seen but that can come later, once I've finished exploring all I can. On to DK stuff.
Everything's the same expect the addition of DK. No new hair styles or colours or anything like that :\
For starting gear I think that looks pretty sick.
The Lich King.
The first quest.
One of the DK trainers. There are three. The other two are a blood elf and a human.
Gold star to Blizz for a cool name ;)
This made Jason and I giggle. It looks silly but cool at the same time. These are available as mounts. I've seem some people in Northrend on them. Speaking of that, you can use your flying mount/flight form in Northrend at level 77 after completing a quest.
Proof that the Alliance have the stupidest race amongst them: humans ;) I'm inside that car and he pulled me clear down to the shore.
Sooo fun. I got to blow the shit out of all those people. Then they get pissed and come rushing up to the boat and you use the #2 spell to basically electrocute them.
Interactive environment now. I came back to turn my quest in and there was suddenly a stage, all the NPC's had moved over to it, and there were almost no people around. So when you quest, it actually has an impact. The mobs don't just respawn. I don't know if it's like this for all of WoW as I've not quested in Northrend yet, but still.
The village and all the NPC's are gone and replaced with Scourge. The sky went all evil too. Yay!
I'd hit it ;) Haha. I don't know what race he is. Some sort of blood elf gone vampire or something? Whatever, he looks badass.
Scourge Plaguehound. Though it probably won't be, I hope this can be tamed as a pet.
Flesh Golem. Huuuuge.
Unholy tree talent. Very nice. Basically a pet for DK's if you get improved raise dead.
At one point the Northrend (PvE) server had gone down so I went over to the PvP one and made an Alliance. I know, I know. Thrall killed a kitten because of me, but I wanted to see if their side was any different. It isn't. So I just got a few screen shots and left because I felt dirty and wrong.
I got a pony for the mount quest this time instead of a normal sized one... and it just looks so wrong.
Post-death potty issues. Nice. That speech bubble came up after he was on his face.
As I said, stupidest race ever. I think he said something like "Hmm this tree looks strange, maybe I should investigate." What's worse is when I did it as Jax, my minion was standing to my left in plain sight. I guess evil ghoul minions hang out under apple trees a lot around those parts. And this "disguise" is given to you by a death knight in high standing who says something about how he himself made it. That's like satan sitting around knitting baby booties. Just rofl. I love Blizzard, bugs and all.
More to come once I finish with Northrend.