Oct 09, 2004 21:59
I have my website up once more. But now, I have a DOMAIN NAME.
That's right.
I'm Rick James, bitch.
Dear god.
So NOW you must send in your media!
Poetry, lyrics, fandom, pictures, stories, movies, icons...
ANYTHING you create!!
Note to Joe and Mar:
You must send in your stories, up to date, please.
Joe, when you send your story, seperate the "volumes" or something so that I can put a certain amount of text on a page without making the person read the same damn page forever.
ANYONE can enter their stuff. ANYTHING but porn. Heh. Sorry.
Also send in little facts about you. Like "Meet the Creator" or something. I dunno. But everything will be copyrighted.
I will post the URL when I get everything fixed.
Oh ja, send it to rainingmuffins@yahoo.com