(no subject)

Jan 25, 2009 12:35

I-I... haven't been feeling so well lately... b-but now I'm starting to get scared!

There's been r-rioting! A-And violence! My boss has even threatened to d-dissolve parliament by March 31st! I... I don't know what to do... Please, d-don't give up on me...

My boss also visited France a few weeks ago... a-and the Prime Minister visited South Korea and Japan. W-Which reminds me! I-I didn't kill anyone! E-Especially not Russia or France! We have good relations! Um! With France at least... e-even though he's... um... the way he is.

And... It was Prussia's birthday a week ago... and I found him a gift that I hope he'll like! H-He was very militaristic... so I thought he'd like to read about General Hannibal of Carthage... He was a such a good tactician...

America also asked about Hogwarts Houses! I think I'd make a good Hufflepuff! Which is Elšpūtis in Latvian. The other houses are Kraukļanags (Ravenclaw), Grifidors (Gryffindor), and Slīdenis (Slytherin).

I was also talking to America about drinks... He didn't want to try any curdled milk... b-but he did say he'd like to try birch juice! I can't get any fresh until spring, though... M-Maybe other nations would like to try some too? It's very healthy and refreshing! A-And comes straight from the tree!

And... Sea-kun is very awesome! Ahaha... A-And I guess I am too, apparently...? Which reminds me of how we met...

Oh, and someone asked about Disney songs, too! There are so many romantic songs... It was hard to choose!

I also wrote a letter to Estonia... but it was only a joke (he never... "hit on a whale"! A-And his music is beautiful!) s-so even though it got delivered... I hope he laughs at it too!


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