Feb 27, 2010 11:09

This petition has been sponsored by Supporters of the David Sheldrick
Wildlife Trust; they are a solid organization, and I have sponsored an elephant with them for the past few year.

From their email:"The petition is addressed to the members
of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
("CITES"), the organization established to regulate trade
in endangered species. In 1989, CITES imposed a total ban on trade in
elephant ivory. Tanzania and Zambia have recently requested permission
from CITES to sell their stockpiled ivory (generally consisting of ivory
seized from poachers or seized overseas, usually in the Far East). The
petition asks the members of CITES to deny this request. When CITES
authorized the sale of stockpiled ivory in 2008 by Botswana, Namibia,
South Africa and Zimbabwe, poaching of elephants and seizures of
illegal ivory increased dramatically. According to the petition, after
the 2008 sales were authorized, "poaching escalated instantly".

Please consider adding your name
to the petition to help ensure the survival of African's dwindling
elephant population and to take a stand against the sale of ivory to
satisfy the ever increasing demand in the Far East for trinkets made
from the tusks of slaughtered elephants.

This year the Vote of the Signatories to the CITES convention
will seal the fate of Africa's elephants one way or another, and
because of this all caring people have a duty to speak out forcefully,
or else become guilty of sinning through silence.
25,000 signatures are needed before March
13th. Say NO to requests to sell stockpiled ivory NOW. Your
response is urgent and appreciated.

Please click here to sign the petition:

Thank you for everything you do to help the rescued orphans.

After you take action, please spread the word to your friends!"

*warning: the image on the web site is heartbreaking, but please bear it, and sign.
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