[a while back, Jag asked for Warden!Thomas. It percolated in my brain a while and this sort of resulted. I'm pretty sure it's not the end and it likely needs work but...here you go! In all of its 1811 words glory!]A fairy tale this was not
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So much love.
So what would it take for you to take up dark!harry? :D
A box of cookies. Seriously though, nothing. I already like playing Harry and I love to play villains *pats Justin* it would be just a matter of putting two of my favorite muse flavors together.
And yes, the girl in the story was Justine. I was going to have her have a bigger part, but the bit after she needled Thomas (as it were) shifted from my original thought.
Hee! Awesome!
I'm already thinking about the motivations and the voice for an evil Harry, what changed him, ect.
Got a storyline in mind or do we have to work on that?
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