AU - Warden!Thomas

Jul 23, 2008 18:25

[a while back, Jag asked for Warden!Thomas. It percolated in my brain a while and this sort of resulted. I'm pretty sure it's not the end and it likely needs work you go! In all of its 1811 words glory!]

A fairy tale this was not.

Of course, when you're tracking a wanted murderer who just happens to be a dark wizard, well, it wasn't likely to have a happy ending.

For the bad guy, anyway.

I'd been following him for over a year now. Almost caught up with him in St. Augustine but the bastard has damnable luck. Wonder what he sold his soul -- what's left of it, anyway -- to for that. Not that I'm looking to make any kind of similar deal. I'm not crazy.

I'm Thomas. And I'm a Warden.

So far, I'd tracked my bad guy to Chicago and had it on fairly good authority that he was still here. Cozying up to the local Red Court vampires or something.

Chicago. And vampires. Two of my not so favorite things all wrapped up in one crappy package.

Normally, Wardens were more of the "keep an eye out and come in with the artillery when bad stuff's going down" types. Sort of the beat cops for the wizarding community. We weren't so much in the way of detectives. Except when we needed to be. Like with this guy, Dresden.

This guy's life story sucked even more than mine. His mother had died giving birth to him, his dad a few years later. Apparently, he was bounced around a few foster homes until he started coming in to his magic. Something about the neighbor's cat spontaneously combusing. Luckily for him, he was found by a Warden before he went much further. Justin duMorne had been one of the best of us -- note the past tense -- and he had claimed to see something in the boy. He took Dresden in, brought him up like a son. That only lasted a few years. They had a falling out. Dresden walked away. DuMorne? Didn't.

Dresden claimed duMorne had tried to enthrall him, a major no-no according to the Laws of Magic, and they'd ended up in a duel. Somehow, Dresden managed to win and killed his mentor. Leave out the Darth Vader student-kills-the-master jokes, please. The Laws of Magic are clear on this point: you don't kill another human with magic. Period. Dresden should have died for that, but because he claimed it was self defense and another wizard, McCoy, took responsibility for him, he was put under the Doom of Damocles. One misstep and on the chopping block he went. That was the theory, anyway.

He didn't last long with McCoy. They also parted on bad terms but at least McCoy was still standing when it was over.

Unfortunately, so was Dresden. Apparently, he'd disappeared off into the NeverNever somewhere. He only popped up again a few years ago. Not that anyone on the Council laid eyes on him. At least, not until I had the ever-so-good fortune to practically trip over him last year in New Orleans. There was this whole thing with zombies...but that'll be another story. Because I found him, he became my responsibility to find and put down. Y'know, with extreme prejudice.

And I've got a hell of a lot of prejudice.

So, I ended up following him all over the ends of the Earth. To here. Chicago.

Have I mentioned I hate Chicago?

And vampires! Why did it have to be vampires?

At least it's the Red Court.

Holy hell, Dresden's been in Bianca's place a while. This stakeout goes on much longer, I'm going to wish I'd followed cop protocol and brought along donuts and coffee. At the very least I'm going to have stretch so-

Why is my spidey sense tingling?


I feel the wave of energy approaching a split second before I hear Dresden's shout. Just enough time to brace and call up my shield. He must have come out the other door and circled around. This is one of those times when backup comes in handy. Too bad I haven't got any. How the hell did he know I was out here, anyway?

Enough thinking. Time for some retaliating. I snarled a word from ancient Etruscan and in response, a silvery beam of light shot out of my wand, hitting Dresden square in the chest. Or, well, it would have if he didn't have a shield of his own.

The battle was joined and we fought as only wizards can, with flashes of light and thunderous displays of power. It was a wonder we didn't have an audience with all the noise we were making, there in the street. Not that I could pay that much attention to that sort of thing, not against Dresden. Christ, but he was strong! I hadn't intended on actually engaging him this soon. Not without backup from the local Wardens. That plan was shot all to hell.

Wait. There's an opening. I take it, sending a surge of energy through the ground between us. The asphalt fairly ripples and when it gets to Dresden? It bucks, tossing him twenty feet, at least. He lands in a crumpled heap.

"And now," I say as I approach, drawing the Warden's sword from its scabbard at my side, "we can finish this."

He's up faster than I expect, and at the same time, I sense him pulling with his magic. It's not directed at me, though but some girl who'd appeared on the steps of Bianca's building. The girl has no choice, she flies into his arms with a shriek. Dresden grins at me over her head, baring his teeth. "Going to have to go through the girl first, Warden."

I look at the girl. She's obviously one of Bianca's, the glazed look in her eyes, even in her fear, can attest to that. Not to mention her near complete lack of anything that could be termed clothing. She was young, with dark hair and wide, doe eyes. Absolutely stunning, really, even for her age. She looked like a nice girl who'd gotten mixed up with the very wrong crowd. "Not one of your smartest ideas, Dresden," I sneered, "banking on my chivalry." Even if he was right.

He smiled, "that so? Let's find out," and then he was tossing the girl at me and I reacted as best I could. Which meant catching her and suddenly being hobbled with an armful of girl.

I was distracted enough by that that it took me a moment to realize something sharp had pricked my arm. Some sort of warm, pleasant lassitude began to spread out from where the needle had gone in. I pushed the girl away and stumbled back. "What...what did you do?"

Dresden's smile had only grown, the girl had disappeared back inside somewhere as he approached me. "Looks like I was right to bank on your chivalry, Warden Raith."

I stared up at him in blinking confusion. I'd dropped the name Raith years ago, taken on my teacher's surname. How the hell did this guy know me? And why did I care again? Things were getting fuzzy around the edges. Dresden, my vision, my thoughts...everything was fuzzy. It was kind of nice. Soothing. What was the problem? Dresden was saying something that seemed pretty reasonable. Something about going inside and resting. That sounded like a good idea. A nice comfy bed. Bask in this feeling. I hadn't been this relaxed since I was twelve.

Nothing else really made any impression until I came out of it, a dull ache in my wrists waking me up. And it wasn't a nice comfy bed I found myself in. No, this was a shower, fully tiled, about the size of a walk in closet. And I was chained to the ceiling. And naked. I started wondering just what I'd agreed to while I was under the influence of whatever that had-

Oh wait. Red Court. Narcotic vampire spit. Enough to take down a frigging horse. A warm echo of the sensations it had been provided ran through my body. For just a minute I wondered if they'd give it to me again. But that way lies madness, I knew that. Better to get the hell out of Dodge. Chains couldn't hold a wizard. Surely Dresden knew better than that. Maybe he'd counted on the vampire spit to keep me down, but I was conscious now and not happy. To say the least. I looked up to where the chains attached to the ceiling and started calling to my magic.

I'd barely even begun when the shower cut on, instantly soaking me in what felt like frigid water. I couldn't stop myself from yelping, more in frustration at the feeling of the magic I'd gathered swirling down the drain with the water.

"Tsk tsk," said a voice in the doorway, just out of range of the water. "Can't have you going just yet, now can we?"

I turned one of my more impressive glares on my captor, "cut the crap, Dresden, what do you want from me?" Obviously, he hadn't killed me outright, he must have wanted something.

He ignored my question. "Just think, if you'd followed in your family's footsteps, you wouldn't even be in this predicament right now."

Sudden, white-hot rage boiled up in me. How did the bastard know? Through gritted teeth I responded, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes." He said. "Yes you do, Thomas Raith, bastard son of the White King. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I snarled, "do I look like a vampire to you?"

He smiled again. "No. But you look like the spitting image of Lord Raith."

I was still angry, but I tried to reign it in, and played along, "alright Dresden, what the hell do you think you know?"

"What I've already said. How you ended up leaving the caring embrace," he snorted, "of your family and finding the White Council. Why you became a Warden. Why you fight so hard for them. Oh, and I know what happened to your mother."

He must have seen the look of shock on my face because he laughed. "She left you with those vipers-"

"Takes one to know one," I interjected.

Dresden raised his eyebrows and waved his hand in a gesture meant to indicate the building, "what? Because I've got a business relationship with Bianca?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "No. Because I think you're a snake."

His eyes narrowed, "you say that now... But anyway. She abandoned you to the tender loving care of your father and ran away where she ended up taking up with a stage magician named Malcolm Dresden." And then, he just waited, watching me.

No. No. I'm related to enough monsters already, I don't need him too!

"Yes," he hissed, seeing the understanding dawn on my face. "We have a lot to talk about, brother."

warden!thomas, dark!harry, au

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