Top 8 !

Jun 23, 2008 09:02

So I top 8'd Grand Prix Indy over the weekend.  Here's the link to their coverage:

They dont' have decklist or profile for me up yet, but we'll see if they fix that.

I drove down with Dan Howard, his brother Nathan, Jasper, and Danner.  It was fun group of people to go anywhere with, I'd totally roadtrip again.

I had 3 bye's from the grand prix trial from Madison so when I got my deck I was hoping to just have an average pool.  We joked on the way down that we all wanted Oona in our pool.  Well I got Oona, but the rest of my pool was kind of all over.  My early drops were not that exciting, and I tried a U/W, then a W/G, and finally settled on a G/R deck, that "splashed" Oona off of 3 Elsewhere flasks with 1 swamp to hope to activate it, we also had howl of the night pack for fun.  Tower above was my MVP for the day as it ate a twilight sheperd and other persisters all day long.  I only lost one match, to Ben Seck, and it was because of not playing Burn Trail on the right guys.

Day 2 - (Steven Neil has my day 2 draft decks, when I get them back I'll edit and throw the decklists in). I sat to Gau's left in the draft and opened Midnight Banshee, went black hard, then got shipped a couple flame javilins from the other way, and pack three a 3rd pick Furystoker Giant.  3x Ripper, 3x Macabre, and a blowfly infestation.  Went 2-1 loosing to Gaudenis, while drawing no 2 drops either game... :(
Draft number 2, I draft a white/red deck with 2x spectral procession, and rage reflection, which was total gas.  I beat Paulo Victor da Rosa (made one mistake in game 2 which i lost, I blocked incorrectly with a whither guy in play).  Then played Chris Lachman which was a feature match so that's on the website.  Drew in to the top 8.

Top 8 draft went very average.  My opening pack had 6 U/B we shipped those and took the only other reasonable card scuzzback maurader, then drafted g/w/r cards, and ended up with about 30-32 playables but the mana was shaky.  Had 2x shield of the oversould, and a runes of the dues.  Plan was to get it on a guy and smash, also had another rage reflection.  You can read the coverage of the match on the the website if you like.

So $1500 and que'd for Berlin.  I want to go to Berlin, I just have ot figure out if I can afford it.  Kate would like to go as well.  I think how I do at Nat's will cement it, but right now I'm leaning 70/30 towards going.

Got home about 1:15 and came into work the day off so Berlin is a better possibility.
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