May 29, 2009 11:55
A good sized black bear was wandering across the High school lawn this morning. It was heading for me, then stopped and proceeded to walk backwards as I was driving down the street towards it.
Behind me, was a cop. I saw him drive past, then turn around immediately. I kept going. :)
In other news, I hear that Northland college now has a max of 56 credits for a bachelor's degree.
I've also pretty much decided to not head to Mermaids this weekend. I don't have the money because last Friday night some asshat threw a rock at my back window. $300+ later... Also, I have some bills that I REALLY need to pay off, and I'm still not quite where I want to be on my financial goals. Therefore... going to cut eventing when possible.
Still on as MiC for Romp next weekend though, then the weekend after I have to drive down to Chicago for a family function. I took Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off. For which I'll need money as well, so home I sit this weekend.