This is a short piece exploring Kara's feelings for Mon-El and the subtext for her identity crisis this season...
Kara Zor-El Danvers had reclaimed her humanity and emerged from her coma. Her sister hugged her. Her friends hugged her. For them, everything was fine, but not for her. In reclaiming her humanity Kara, daughter of a dead world, had come to understand the real reason she had pushed it aside in the first place - why losing Mon-El had been so devastating in the first place.
Some of the pain of his loss had come from her love for him to be sure, but the rest was born of unspoken resentment. How could he choose her over the opportunity to rebuild Daxam, the one salvageable planet they had between them? How could his mother force her to kill Daxamites with a lead bomb, alienating the surviving Daxamites from ever accepting the help she desperately wanted to give them? Once poisoned by that lead bomb, how could Mon-El be the one who ended up living on a devastated future Earth that needed rebuilding?
In reclaiming her whole self, Kara came to a painful realization. Humanity had saved her - given her a home and a family. However, Humanity, in this time, didn’t need the level of help that being driven to all but extinction drove her to provide. Therefore, her humanity was as much a disappointment as a solace. Losing him only to discover that losing him enabled Mon-El to live her dream was the definition of bitter-sweet.
Kara Zor-El Danvers loved Humanity and would always shield it. She did wonder, though, if loving Humanity as it was would always cost her the world she longed to rebuild.