Dear Yuletide Author

Oct 08, 2013 22:04

Dear Yuletide Writer:

First of all, thank so much for signing up to write any of my fandoms! I am so excited for Yultide! To the extent it isn't clear below, I will be happy with anything in my fandoms, and as the rules say, optional details are optional.

While I do list for pairings I like for some fandoms, I would be just as happy with gen, so go where the muse takes you. My general likes and dislikes are below for any extra guidance.

Things I like in fic (not necessarily all together): lightness, humor, wistfulness, silliness, things that are reflective, fun, wacky hijinks, and getting into (and out of) trouble.

Things I do not really like in fic: graphic sex, violence, animal harm, in story character death (things that deal with canon character death is okay), lots of darkness (a little is okay), non-con, and character bashing.

Parks & Recreation


Ron Swanson
Leslie Knope
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer

Yuletide Prompt:

I love this show for its silly goofy wackiness. I love the ensemble and and the town and its silly traditions. I requested my four favorite characters, but I love everyone, so feel free to include anyone from the 'verse that you need to make the story work. I picked these four because I think they have some of the best interpersonal interactions on the show.

In terms of a specific request, I would love a fic just set in the Pawnee universe the them dealing with day to day life in Pawnee. Pawnee and its quirks just really make the show and the people who inhabit it's universe. If you could include something about the murals, that would be great. I *love* the murals. I also love the festivals and traditions and wacky TV personalities. Also, I could read an entire fic that is Ron Swanson giving advice to people on the phone. Cause he is awesome. Or April being awesome and caring but pretending not to or Leslie planning and buying the perfect things for everyone, or Andy, being, Andy.

Or something with April/Leslie v. Ron/Andy or Leslie/Andy v. Ron/Leslie. It's always fun when they pair off and go run around town. It doesn't even have to be a competition.

Additional Notes: I ship along canon lines if you need to include anything about relationships. I love everyone in the 'verse (though I find Jean Ralphio and his sister to be annoying in large doses).

Gavin & Stacey


Stacey Shipman
Gavin Shipman

Yuletide Prompt:

I would love a fic about the first time Gavin and Stacey met on the phone and how their relationship went from being people who talked at work to being the couple who met in the pilot. Something that fills in their background. Or Gavin and Stacey each telling their friends and family about this person they met on the phone and trying to explain how they just know it's right.

Or if you want to write something from during the show, how about a story set between when they got married and when they moved to Wales. I loved them living in Pam and Mick's house and just dealing with being married and still living at home.

Or something after the show - either during the pregnancy or after the baby is born - dealing with each other, their families, and a new baby!

I love everyone in the G&S world - Pam & Mitch, Dawn & Pete, Nessa, Smithy, the Essex Boys, Dave, Baby Neil, Brynn, Gwen, etc. so feel free to use anyone you need if it works with where your muse takes you.

Please nothing rated higher than R.

Additional Notes:
Love. This. Show. I marathoned it earlier this year and am just so happy I found it. I went looking for fic and I couldn't find much, so I figured Yuletide would be a good time to ask! I just couldn't get enough of it. I wish there as more. I will really be happy with anything in this verse. I love the silly wacky nature of the show and how everything is so dramatic and fun, but interspersed with seriousness.

The Americans (TV 2013)


Philip Jennings
Elizabeth Jennings

Yuletide Prompt:

Anything Phillip and Elizabeth - Gen or shippy. The dynamic of the arranged marriage and how it evolved over the years from awkwardness to a true partnership to love. I would love something from their early relationship, just when they got to America, before Gregory as they were getting used to a new country, a new relationship, and a new life.

I think no matter how prepared they were for America, the reality of it was probably still rather jarring for them. From having the air conditioning in the motel room, to other "comforts" or firsts for them - something that explores them exploring their new normal. Things that make them think Americans are "soft" or "complacent." It could be some funny, silly, moment where something happens that neither of them have ever experienced before or something more serious.

Or something around the time the kids are born or when they find out they are pregnant for the first time.

Please do not include Gregory - I love the idea of Elizabeth and him, but I would like something that really explores Phillip and Elizabeth. If you would like to write something later from their lives, anything with the kids, or Claudia - a moment from an event with the kids at school or a meeting with Claudia would be lovely.

Please nothing violent or graphic sex.

Additional Notes:
It seems to me that Philip got much more used to the comforts of America much faster than Elizabeth so something about him adjusting quicker than her and getting more "american". Also, anything with how they started up the travel agency - that would be fun. Or moving into their first apartmnet or buying their first living or dining room set - I can totally see them being amazed by the choice and selection.

Or if you want to even write about the first time they had sex - was is awkward? Disappointing? Or did it actually work - how did they act the next day? Did it change anything in their relationship?

Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23


James Van Der Beek (Apartment 23)
Chloe (Apartment 23)

Yuletide Prompt:

I loved this show so much. I love how James Van Der Beek acted on the show - he and Chloe totally made the show for me. I loved his stint on Dancing with the Stars and a fic that would explore him thinking about doing a different reality show would be great. Or something from the time Chloe and James dated or some ridiculous product James decided to hawk or James having to help clean up some mess from one of Chloe's one night stands. Really, anything with the two of them just hanging out or being their crazy selves would be fantastic.

I love everyone else in the show's universe, so feel free to include whoever you need to make the story work.

Please nothing rated higher than R.

Additional Notes:
I love how James played himself in this show and I loved Chloe. So I really mean it when I say I will take anything about those two in this show. I am so sad it was canceled!

Hawkeye (Comics)


Lucky (Hawkeye)
Kate Bishop (Hawkeye)

Yuletide Prompt

Kate and Lucky! I love Kate. I love Lucky! I would love anything with them together. Kate and Lucky take a road trip and wacky hijinks ensue or Kate and Lucky go to the dog park and get attacked by ninjas. Or Kate goes out on the town and brings Lucky as her wingman.

Please feel free to include anyone else from the Hawkeye 'verse that you need to make the story work.

Note: please nothing where Lucky is hurt or really in much danger. I frequently check "Does the Dog Die" as soon as an animal is put in peril in a show or movie. I had to read the end of the first issue because I had to know before I could finish it.

Additional Notes:I have read everything Kate has been in - she is one of my favorite characters. I love her back story and think she is pretty much just awesome.


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